Category Archives: Royal Caribbean

Gluten Free on a Celebrity Cruises!

This review and guide is written by Will. Will is a Cruise Packing List Contributor and has Celiac Disease.

A bit about me:

I have cruised extensively since being diagnosed with Celiac Disease nearly 10 years ago. I’ve found it a generally easy way to travel considering my dietary limitations. Cruise lines that I’ve sailed on have generally done a fantastic job accommodating me and I’ve felt safe and healthy.

I have most sailed on Royal Caribbean since needing to become strictly gluten free, but I have ventured out.

This write up is about my experiences on Celebrity Cruises. It’s offered as a guide to help you have a smoother and safer vacation if you need to eat gluten free on vacation. Note that this written from a sensitive Celiac point of view. If you aren’t susceptible to issues from cross contamination, adjust accordingly.

Gluten Free on Celebrity Cruises

Before your cruise

  1. Contact Celebrity and let them know you need to eat gluten free. They will notate your reservation. When being seated staff will generally read that note and anticipate your needs, however… always let your server know.
  2. Choose a set dining time. It is possible to choose anytime dining and eat gluten free, however it’s a lot more difficult in my opinion. Having the same staff means they’ll know what you need. You’ll also have a point person in the form of a head waiter or maître d’ that can not only help you in the main dining room, but serve as your guide and help for the entire ship. This was a conclusion I came to early on, on my own and now as of this writing has become an official recommendation of both Royal Caribbean and Celebrity.

During the Cruise

  1. Head to the dining room to talk to the maître d’ on duty and look at the menu, it’s possible some items can be made gluten free if you pre-order.
  2. Talk to a manager, supervisor, maître d’. Always let staff know what you need and ask for options. It’s important to talk to a supervisor, I’ve gotten conflicting information from first tier staff.
  3. Pre-order, pre-order… pre-order. This seems to vary  by ship and by line but in my experience Celebrity really wants you to pre-order as much as possible. Some things were not available to me when I just walked up, but could be pre-ordered. Talk to your maître d’ each evening and look at the next day’s menu. Pre-order for every meal that you’re able to.

Places to eat

  1. Main dining room. This is the location that’s most well equipped to handle dietary issues. On Celebrity many gluten free items are marked on the menu. Speak with your maître d’ to pre-order the next day’s meals.
  2. Buffet – Oceanview Cafe. According to the manager I worked with in the Oceanview cafe, a high percentage of the dishes are gluten free. However… he made it clear to me that they do not consider food on the buffet to be Celiac-safe. This ironically includes the entire gluten free section when it’s in operation. If you have Celiac disease ask a manager for help. They will usually walk around with you, tell you what you can have an get the food from untouched trays in the back.
  3. Pizza – available in the Oceanview Cafe can be made gluten free. I was pleased that all available toppings are typically available gluten free. This is in contrast to other lines where pepperoni seems to be the most common option. They have a separate prep area and cook the pizza in it’s own aluminum pan. Tip: Getting an undercooked gluten free pizza seems to be pretty common. I think these take a little longer because of the aluminum tray. Maybe you like that, if not… ask for your pizza crispy and it’s much, much better.
  4. Most specialty restaurants. I’ve found that most specialty restaurants can accommodate Celiac disease. I highly recommend going to the restaurant the day before and asking to speak with a manager to pre-order. This simple step can make a potentially expensive meal at lot more enjoyable and smooth. It can mean the difference between a special order gluten free cheesecake and… a fruit cup. Fine Cut Steakhouse, Raw on 5, Eden (not Eden Cafe), Rooftop Garden Grill, Le Voyage by Daniel Boulud and Blu should all generally be able to accommodate gluten free eaters.
  5. Not… Eden Cafe. Eden Cafe was one location that I was told had 0 gluten free offerings. Eden Cafe is the quick service venue that’s open for breakfast and lunch. Eden on the other hand does have gluten free options.

A special order gluten free cheesecake that I received in Fine Cut Steakhouse. This is a picture of just the back of it, because I instantly dug into it before thinking to take a picture. This illustrates the magic of pre-ordering.

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Check out this review, guide continues below

Hands on Review: Top Magnets Heavy Duty Magnetic Hooks… These actually hold something!

Avoiding… Two Days of Tumult

I’ve settled on the term “Two Days of Tumult” to describe the first two days of eating gluten free on a cruise. There’s a learning curve between you and the ship. Learning how things work, getting to know your staff and communicating what you need and want. As an example. On one Celebrity Cruise I special ordered gluten free chocolate cake. First night, I got nothing, second night I got chocolate ice cream. I finally received something I wanted the third night.

In my opinion, the key to minimizing this is getting a set dining time and speaking with your maître d’ or head water. Tell them your situation, nicely and respectfully let them know about challenges you’ve had in the past and ask for what you want. You’re certainly not going to get everything you want, but you may get a lot closer by connecting with a maître d’ or head waiter.

Some pictures and thoughts

According to every menu I saw the ice cream and the signage in Oceanview Cafe, the ice cream is not gluten free. Well… it was gluten free. Speaking to a manager they make all the ice cream in house and it’s all gluten free. If you have Celiac disease they will get you some from a fresh tub in the back, but you need to work with a manager. The one pain point here is that some days a garnish will have gluten. Again, the manager can help you.

Café al Bacio

Café al Bacio is a delightful coffee shop on board most Celebrity ships. They have pastries and sandwiches as well as specialty coffees.

For breakfast they typically have a gluten free danish option. That was kept in the back and there was no indication it was available. Other than asking… do you have any gluten free options. They had two gluten free danish options each day.

See the case of beautiful mostly gluten laded pastries and baked goods

If you look closely the top shelf has two gluten free options. They have rightly placed these on the top so no crumbs should fall on them and if you look on the right of this picture there’s a plexiglass wall that separates gluten free from gluten containing. I don’t think it’s risk free but it’s a pretty good attempt and minimizing cross contamination. This is a rotating selection that changes daily.

Check out this review, guide continues below

Hands on Review: TESSAN International Power Plug with USB… Use the 220 Outlet on Your Next Cruise!

Gluten Free Matcha Cake

Gluten free Raspberry Chiffon Cake.

The first morning that I ordered gluten free pancakes, they looked spectacular. However, they were horrible. They seemed to be cooked on only one side. The underside was raw with a horrible consistency. Understandably these fell apart. I kindly and respectfully asked to speak to a maître d’ and explained my issue.

The next day the problem was resolved and I received some of the best gluten free pancakes I’ve ever had on a cruise ship.

Gluten free french toast. Pretty good.

Gluten free eggs benedict. This is another example of taking some time to get things working right. The first time I received this I had no Canadian bacon and very little Hollandaise. I brough the to a supervisors attention and received ham instead of Canadian bacon (there was obviously an issue with the Canadian bacon, but hey, ham works) and a side of Hollandaise. Really good.  A good question that I’m getting in the habit of asking is… will the gluten free version of this be a complete dish?  Will it have x, y and z?  If not what options are available?

Beer options… No, there are no beer options

Unfortunately much like their sister brand Royal Caribbean, the “gluten free” beer they carry is Daura Damm. Daura Damm is not gluten free. It’s gluten removed. In fact, it cannot be labeled as gluten free in the US.  With as many great truly gluten free beers that are available it’s mind boggling to me that they offer exactly zero options. Both Royal Caribbean and Celebrity should do better here. Wine, seltzers, ciders and mixed drinks are all avaiable.

The Problem with Pre-Ordering… 2025 edition

In years past cruise lines where much more accommodating when it came to pre-ordering.

The pre-order could be a modification to an existing menu item OR a special request. I have had head waiters completely disregard the menu and ask me… what would you like to eat? This offered a lot of flexibility.

This was actually also true for guests without special dietary needs. You could request something and generally they would make it for you the following day.

The tide has changed on pre-ordering. With cost cutting measures and staffing issues they are not as apt to take a pre-order.

That’s okay when you have a lot of options but how about if you have dietary issues. As an example the desserts on Royal Caribbean and Celebrity basically boil down to different forms of… pudding. Not much else is on offer for gluten free folk.

It is still possible to get a pre-order. See my cheesecake above. Talk to your headwaiter or maître d’ and nicely tell them… Hey, I know you can do this and it would make my vacation more enjoyable. Can you please talk with the chef and ask them to make xyz gluten free? If you’re having trouble you can take this to the next level by kindly and respectfully asking to talk to the restaurant manager or the chef in charge.

Keep Reading for Tips and Conclusions…

Related: Gluten Free Translation Card

Gluten Free Translation Card

Celebrity Cruises Gluten Free Quick Tips

  • Make sure and request a gluten free meal 90 days prior to your cruise. Also let reservations know of any other food allergies or requirements.
  • Email [email protected] with special requests or questions.
  • Choose a set dining time for the best experience.
  • Talk to your maître d’ about options and to pre-order meals for the following day.
  • Pre-order, pre-order, pre-order. Pre-order everything you’re able to including visiting specialty dining venues the day before your reservation.
  • Always speak with a supervisor when ordering outside the main dining room/MDR

General Thoughts on Cruising Gluten Free on Celebrity Cruises

Negative first… My experience was not as smooth as I thought it would be. There was a learning curve coming from mostly Royal Caribbean. The food was a little hit or miss. Follow my quick tips for a smoother experience.

Overall I had a great experience. Celebrity Apex is a stunning ship. Although I struggled at times with some of the food, overall I had some amazing food, some of the best I’ve had at sea and in some cases some of the best I’ve had ever. The staff was fantastic and I really felt like people were well trained and were concerned about my health and well being. I wouldn’t hesitate to sail Celebrity again, in fact, we have our next cruise booked! 🙂

A Great Resource For Gluten Free Cruisers…

Cruising Gluten Free is a great resource for gluten free cruising. Lots of helpful members that can answer questions and help.

What Else?

Let’s make this the best guide for cruising gluten free on Celebrity Cruises!  Leave a comment on this post with your tips, tricks and experiences.

About me: I have Celiac Disease and as such I must eat a strictly gluten free diet. Not by choice but by medical necessity.

This write up will focus primarily on the food and service we experienced not so much the ship itself or the ports we visited.  However, I would like to briefly say that The Allure of the Seas is beautiful.  It’s a massive ship (one of the largest in the world), modern, very well maintained and offers diverse dining and entertainment options.  Even though the ship accommodates 5,000 or 6,000, we very rarely felt cramped.  There is ample room to move around and it was always easy to find a lounging chair.  We’ve taken a good number of cruises, although this was our first Royal Caribbean cruise.  We were very, very impressed.  Overall, this was our best cruise experience ever.  On to the food…


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This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. top:ccgf tag:tpr

DEAL! Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Luggage Tags – $4.99

Cruise Luggage Tags, NTONPOWER Cruise Tags Holders with Steel Loops Clear Cruise Luggage Tags for Cruise Ships Fits All Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Cruise Essentials in 2024

I highly recommend cruise luggage tag holders. These are sturdier and more secure than tape or staples. Having these also means you don’t need to carry along… tape or staples. These also keep your tags dry (and readable) in the event of rain. Because your tags are more likely to stay on, you’re less likely to have delayed luggage on the ship. Size of these varies based on cruise line. Look for one that’s compatible with your cruise line.

If you’re flying to your embarkation port I don’t recommend putting cruise tags on your luggage until after your flight. That’s especially true if you’re taping and stapling vs using luggage tags. Luggage tag holders would probably make the flight okay, but, to me, there’s no sense subjecting these to the wear and tear of airline luggage handling.

Print and fold (or cut) your printable luggage tags at home, put them in holders and pack. Put on the night before you cruise and you’ll all set.

2/7 10 AM Central: These are selling for just $4.99. Prices, promotions and availability can change quickly.  Check sale page for current info and availability.

Cruise Luggage Tags, NTONPOWER Cruise Tags Holders with Steel Loops Clear Cruise Luggage Tags for Cruise Ships Fits All Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Cruise Essentials in 2024 – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Related… Recommendation: Get Luggage Tags for Your Next Cruise (smoother embarkation, less chance of delayed luggage!)

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

New updates to optimize considering recent policy changes… Royal Caribbean Diamond Drink Hacks!

Free drink vouchers are a massive perk of Royal Caribbean’s Crown and Anchor loyalty program. The drink vouchers are valid on most alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks up to a certain dollar amount. As of this writing people who’ve achieved the Diamond level get 4 free drinks daily, Diamond Plus members get 5 free drinks and Pinnacle members get 6 free drinks.

We have sailed on Royal quite a bit and have achieved the Diamond Plus level. We’re working our way to Pinnacle.

Since getting to these levels we’ve been able to skip any drink package and greatly cut down our alcohol bill. Between the two bottles of wine we can bring on, the free bottle of wine we’ve chosen as our Diamond Plus amenity and the free drink vouchers we’ll typically only need to purchase a few drinks. These perks have saved us thousands of dollars.

One of the articles I had meant to write was a trick that we’ve used to stretch these drinks out.

4, 5 or 6 drinks may be easy to consume on a sea day, but not so much after being at an all inclusive beach club for hours. The vouchers expire each day so they don’t roll forward. What we had done was swing by a bar at the end of each night and ask for unopened drinks for any unused vouchers. We’d then put those in our stateroom refrigerator (pic above) and consume as desired.

The problem with that is…. apparently Royal is starting to crack down on that hack. They are requiring bartenders to open drinks when they are served. Reports have differed, but enough have said this is happening to make me think it’s a new policy change. Bummer.

Update: Although nothing 100% official there have been continued reports of this policy and interaction with Michael Bayley’s office on Facebook has confirmed that this is an across the fleet procedure change:

“Thank you for contacting the Executive Office of Royal Caribbean International. Mr. Bayley has received your email and I am pleased to respond,” Bell-Floyd said.

“Thank you for your loyalty to Royal. Please know that our beverage policies are in place to ensure that all guests are able to enjoy their drinks safely and responsibly. Recently, we have updated this policy to include the following: Any canned or bottled alcoholic beverages ordered at our bars must be opened before leaving the venue.”

So, it seems this isn’t limited to Diamond Drinks in particular but it probably strikes people who are used to doing this the hardest.

I think there are still some pretty good ways to accomplish the same thing. Here are some ideas…

Bottled Beer

Wine Stoppers, Food-safe Silicone Bottle Stoppers, Expanding Manual Beverage Stopper, Reusable Wine Bottle Corks, Creates Airtight Seal, Assorted Colors 4 Pack (Assorted)

Get bottled beers and use a beverage stopper to seal them up right away

This article may contain affiliate links. We may make a small percentage if you use our links to make a purchase. You won’t pay more and you’ll be supporting Cruise Packing List and more content like this. Thank you for your support!

Canned Beer

Jokari’s Fizz Keepers fit on standard 12 and 16 oz sized cans. They snap tight to keep pressure (and carbonation) in AND they feature a pump to add additional carbonation. Order your favorite beers from a bar tender and then put these little gadgets on to preserve the drink. Note that these do not work with smaller seltzer style cans.

Hard Liquor

Stanley Legendary Classic Pre-Party Liquor and Spirit Flask

Order shots and put them in a flask. When you’re ready for a drink mix with fruit juice or soda to make your own mixed drink.


Order glasses of wine and put them in a foldable Wine2Go Pouch. Purge the air before sealing to reduce oxygenation.

Related: Grab Collapsible Funnels

If you’re wanting to transfer wine or liquor for future using, considering grabbing some collapsible funnels to make it easy.


Royal Caribbean should have no issues with these work arounds. After you receive your open drink it’s really up to you how and when you consume it. These techniques will allow you to make the most out of Diamond drink vouchers and save you some money.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

Also: Setting up a WiFi Hotspot on your Next Cruise!

Setting Up Your Own Wireless WiFi Hotspot on Your Next Cruise!

Also: Hands on Review: Airalo e-SIM – use your phone internationally!

Hands on Review: Airalo e-SIM – use your phone internationally!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. 12.10.24 top:diamondrinks tag:tpru

Royal Caribbean Diamond Drink Hacks!

Free drink vouchers are a massive perk of Royal Caribbean’s Crown and Anchor loyalty program. The drink vouchers are valid on most alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks up to a certain dollar amount. As of this writing people who’ve achieved the Diamond level get 4 free drinks daily, Diamond Plus members get 5 free drinks and Pinnacle members get 6 free drinks.

We have sailed on Royal quite a bit and have achieved the Diamond Plus level. We’re working our way to Pinnacle.

Since getting to these levels we’ve been able to skip any drink package and greatly cut down our alcohol bill. Between the two bottles of wine we can bring on, the free bottle of wine we’ve chosen as our Diamond Plus amenity and the free drink vouchers we’ll typically only need to purchase a few drinks. These perks have saved us thousands of dollars.

One of the articles I had meant to write was a trick that we’ve used to stretch these drinks out.

4, 5 or 6 drinks may be easy to consume on a sea day, but not so much after being at an all inclusive beach club for hours. The vouchers expire each day so they don’t roll forward. What we had done was swing by a bar at the end of each night and ask for unopened drinks for any unused vouchers. We’d then put those in our stateroom refrigerator (pic above) and consume as desired.

The problem with that is…. apparently Royal is starting to crack down on that hack. They are requiring bartenders to open drinks when they are served. Reports have differed, but enough have said this is happening to make me think it’s a new policy change. Bummer.

Update: Although nothing 100% official there have been continued reports of this policy and interaction with Michael Bayley’s office on Facebook has confirmed that this is an across the fleet procedure change:

“Thank you for contacting the Executive Office of Royal Caribbean International. Mr. Bayley has received your email and I am pleased to respond,” Bell-Floyd said.

“Thank you for your loyalty to Royal. Please know that our beverage policies are in place to ensure that all guests are able to enjoy their drinks safely and responsibly. Recently, we have updated this policy to include the following: Any canned or bottled alcoholic beverages ordered at our bars must be opened before leaving the venue.”

So, it seems this isn’t limited to Diamond Drinks in particular but it probably strikes people who are used to doing this the hardest.

I think there are still some pretty good ways to accomplish the same thing. Here are some ideas…

Bottled Beer

Wine Stoppers, Food-safe Silicone Bottle Stoppers, Expanding Manual Beverage Stopper, Reusable Wine Bottle Corks, Creates Airtight Seal, Assorted Colors 4 Pack (Assorted)

Get bottled beers and use a beverage stopper to seal them up right away

This article may contain affiliate links. We may make a small percentage if you use our links to make a purchase. You won’t pay more and you’ll be supporting Cruise Packing List and more content like this. Thank you for your support!

Canned Beer

Jokari’s Fizz Keepers fit on standard 12 and 16 oz sized cans. They snap tight to keep pressure (and carbonation) in AND they feature a pump to add additional carbonation. Order your favorite beers from a bar tender and then put these little gadgets on to preserve the drink. Note that these do not work with smaller seltzer style cans.

Hard Liquor

Stanley Legendary Classic Pre-Party Liquor and Spirit Flask

Order shots and put them in a flask. When you’re ready for a drink mix with fruit juice or soda to make your own mixed drink.


Order glasses of wine and put them in a foldable Wine2Go Pouch. Purge the air before sealing to reduce oxygenation.

Related: Grab Collapsible Funnels

If you’re wanting to transfer wine or liquor for future using, considering grabbing some collapsible funnels to make it easy.


Royal Caribbean should have no issues with these work arounds. After you receive your open drink it’s really up to you how and when you consume it. These techniques will allow you to make the most out of Diamond drink vouchers and save you some money.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

Also: Setting up a WiFi Hotspot on your Next Cruise!

Setting Up Your Own Wireless WiFi Hotspot on Your Next Cruise!

Also: Hands on Review: Airalo e-SIM – use your phone internationally!

Hands on Review: Airalo e-SIM – use your phone internationally!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. 12.10.24 top:diamondrinks tag:tpr

For Royal Caribbean Cruisers… Return Me To The Schooner Bar T-Shirts

royal caribbean cruise tshirt

If you’ve sailed on Royal Caribbean you’re probably familiar with the Schooner Bar venue that’s on all of their ships. It’s one of our favorite spots when we sail on Royal.

This t-shirt reads… “If Found Please Return Me To Schooner Bar” It’s available in a variety of colors and sizes and prices vary

Return Me to Schooner Bar T-Shirt

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Luggage Tags

Cruise Luggage Tags for Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Essentials in 2023-2024

I highly recommend cruise luggage tag holders. These are sturdier and more secure than tape or staples. Having these also means you don’t need to carry along… tape or staples. These also keep your tags dry (and readable) in the event of rain. Because your tags are more likely to stay on, you’re less likely to have delayed luggage on the ship. Size of these varies based on cruise line. Look for one that’s compatible with your cruise line.

If you’re flying to your embarkation port I don’t recommend putting cruise tags on your luggage until after your flight. That’s especially true if you’re taping and stapling vs using luggage tags. Luggage tag holders would probably make the flight okay, but, to me, there’s no sense subjecting these to the wear and tear of airline luggage handling.

Print and fold (or cut) your printable luggage tags at home, put them in holders and pack. Put on the night before you cruise and you’ll all set.

Cruise Luggage Tags for Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Essentials in 2023-2024 – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Related… Recommendation: Get Luggage Tags for Your Next Cruise (smoother embarkation, less chance of delayed luggage!)

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

New Updates… Royal Caribbean Bans Multi-Plug Adapters and Extension Cords – Royal has provided additional clarification

Original Publication: September 23, 2024

Updated: October 7, 2024

With their most reason banned items list Royal Caribbean has added multi-plug adapters and extension cords to the items you cannot bring on board. Full list link below.

As a frequent Royal Caribbean cruiser this… rocks my world. I regularly bring one or more multi plug adapters when I cruise.

I’ve been a big advocate of using the 220 European Type C adapter on board this change makes that even more important. It allows you to squeeze out another adapter. This used to be more important on older ships and less important on newer ships but… This changes all that. With multi-plug adapters being banned a Type C adapter makes more sense than ever.

A few other thoughts…

  • The way I read it multi USB outlet blocks are NOT banned. Since a lot of the gear we take on board is USB this could be a good work around.
  • As stated previously using the 220 European style outlet is more important than ever.
  • A USB charging bank is another potential way to decrease the impact of this change. Charge during the day, unplug at night to free up an outlet and use the battery bank to charge USB devices.

Update 9/30/2024:

@NiceCarFather reached out to Royal Caribbean on X (connect to cruise packing list on x) to ask if a plug + USB outlets would be allowed. It looks like he references this Anker Travel Plug in the back and forth. The Royal Caribbean rep surprisingly (at least to me!) says that this would not be allowed because it has an outlet and additional USB ports. Earlier in the conversation he says a multi USB block is allowed.

So, at this point my understanding is that if an adapter has an AC outlet, that’s all that’s allowed. One single AC outlet. An adapter can have multiple USB ports as long as no AC outlet is present.

Update 10/7/2024:

Royal has updated their prohibited items policy to include some additional clarification. As of today this section reads:

Electrical Extension Cords – including power strips/surge protected strips and multi-plug outlets.
We do allow consumer type power conversion device USB charger (multi-plug blocks on which the outputs are for USB cables). Note: Devices must be stamped with US/Europe recognized Conformance Marking to demonstrate compliance with Electrical Safety standards.

So, there previous communication on social media seems to be correct. If it has an AC outlet, that’s all it can have a single AC outlet. Multi outlet USB only charger blocks are allowed.

Some options to consider:

These are affiliate links, note that multiple variations of these products may be available, as such a different version may appear at these links

Also: What items are prohibited onboard a Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship?

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

Related: Hands on Review: European Type C Fast USB Charger by LiFiYiRc… Use the 220 Outlet on Your Next Cruise!

Related… Hands on Review: TESSAN International Power Plug with USB

Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. 9.23.24 top:rcmultiplug tag:tpru

New Updates… Royal Caribbean Bans Multi-Plug Adapters and Extension Cords!

September 23, 2024

With their most reason banned items list Royal Caribbean has added multi-plug adapters and extension cords to the items you cannot bring on board. Full list link below.

As a frequent Royal Caribbean cruiser this… rocks my world. I regularly bring one or more multi plug adapters when I cruise.

I’ve been a big advocate of using the 220 European Type C adapter on board this change makes that even more important. It allows you to squeeze out another adapter. This used to be more important on older ships and less important on newer ships but… This changes all that. With multi-plug adapters being banned a Type C adapter makes more sense than ever.

A few other thoughts…

  • The way I read it multi USB outlet blocks are NOT banned. Since a lot of the gear we take on board is USB this could be a good work around.
  • As stated previously using the 220 European style outlet is more important than ever.
  • A USB charging bank is another potential way to decrease the impact of this change. Charge during the day, unplug at night to free up an outlet and use the battery bank to charge USB devices.

Update 9/30/2024:

@NiceCarFather reached out to Royal Caribbean on X (connect to cruise packing list on x) to ask if a plug + USB outlets would be allowed. It looks like he references this Anker Travel Plug in the back and forth. The Royal Caribbean rep surprisingly (at least to me!) says that this would not be allowed because it has an outlet and additional USB ports. Earlier in the conversation he says a multi USB block is allowed.

So, at this point my understanding is that if an adapter has an AC outlet, that’s all that’s allowed. One single AC outlet. An adapter can have multiple USB ports as long as no AC outlet is present.


These are affiliate links, note that multiple variations of these products may be available, as such a different version may appear at these links

Also: What items are prohibited onboard a Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship?

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

Related: Hands on Review: European Type C Fast USB Charger by LiFiYiRc… Use the 220 Outlet on Your Next Cruise!

Related… Hands on Review: TESSAN International Power Plug with USB

Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. 9.23.24 top:rcmultiplug tag:tpru

Royal Caribbean Bans Multi-Plug Adapters and Extension Cords!

Original Publication: September 23, 2024

Updated: October 7, 2024

With their most reason banned items list Royal Caribbean has added multi-plug adapters and extension cords to the items you cannot bring on board. Full list link below.

As a frequent Royal Caribbean cruiser this… rocks my world. I regularly bring one or more multi plug adapters when I cruise.

I’ve been a big advocate of using the 220 European Type C adapter on board this change makes that even more important. It allows you to squeeze out another adapter. This used to be more important on older ships and less important on newer ships but… This changes all that. With multi-plug adapters being banned a Type C adapter makes more sense than ever.

A few other thoughts…

  • The way I read it multi USB outlet blocks are NOT banned. Since a lot of the gear we take on board is USB this could be a good work around.
  • As stated previously using the 220 European style outlet is more important than ever.
  • A USB charging bank is another potential way to decrease the impact of this change. Charge during the day, unplug at night to free up an outlet and use the battery bank to charge USB devices.

Update 9/30/2024:

@NiceCarFather reached out to Royal Caribbean on X (connect to cruise packing list on x) to ask if a plug + USB outlets would be allowed. It looks like he references this Anker Travel Plug in the back and forth. The Royal Caribbean rep surprisingly (at least to me!) says that this would not be allowed because it has an outlet and additional USB ports. Earlier in the conversation he says a multi USB block is allowed.

So, at this point my understanding is that if an adapter has an AC outlet, that’s all that’s allowed. One single AC outlet. An adapter can have multiple USB ports as long as no AC outlet is present.

Update 10/7/2024:

Royal has updated their prohibited items policy to include some additional clarification. As of today this section reads:

Electrical Extension Cords – including power strips/surge protected strips and multi-plug outlets.
We do allow consumer type power conversion device USB charger (multi-plug blocks on which the outputs are for USB cables). Note: Devices must be stamped with US/Europe recognized Conformance Marking to demonstrate compliance with Electrical Safety standards.

So, there previous communication on social media seems to be correct. If it has an AC outlet, that’s all it can have a single AC outlet. Multi outlet USB only charger blocks are allowed.

Some options to consider:

These are affiliate links, note that multiple variations of these products may be available, as such a different version may appear at these links

Also: What items are prohibited onboard a Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship?

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

Related: Hands on Review: European Type C Fast USB Charger by LiFiYiRc… Use the 220 Outlet on Your Next Cruise!

Related… Hands on Review: TESSAN International Power Plug with USB

Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

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All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. 9.23.24 top:rcmultiplug tag:tpr

Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Luggage Tags

Cruise Luggage Tags for Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Essentials in 2023-2024

I highly recommend cruise luggage tag holders. These are sturdier and more secure than tape or staples. Having these also means you don’t need to carry along… tape or staples. These also keep your tags dry (and readable) in the event of rain. Because your tags are more likely to stay on, you’re less likely to have delayed luggage on the ship. Size of these varies based on cruise line. Look for one that’s compatible with your cruise line.

If you’re flying to your embarkation port I don’t recommend putting cruise tags on your luggage until after your flight. That’s especially true if you’re taping and stapling vs using luggage tags. Luggage tag holders would probably make the flight okay, but, to me, there’s no sense subjecting these to the wear and tear of airline luggage handling.

Print and fold (or cut) your printable luggage tags at home, put them in holders and pack. Put on the night before you cruise and you’ll all set.

Cruise Luggage Tags for Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Essentials in 2023-2024 – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Related… Recommendation: Get Luggage Tags for Your Next Cruise (smoother embarkation, less chance of delayed luggage!)

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Luggage Tags

Cruise Luggage Tags for Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Essentials in 2023-2024

I highly recommend cruise luggage tag holders. These are sturdier and more secure than tape or staples. Having these also means you don’t need to carry along… tape or staples. These also keep your tags dry (and readable) in the event of rain. Because your tags are more likely to stay on, you’re less likely to have delayed luggage on the ship. Size of these varies based on cruise line. Look for one that’s compatible with your cruise line.

If you’re flying to your embarkation port I don’t recommend putting cruise tags on your luggage until after your flight. That’s especially true if you’re taping and stapling vs using luggage tags. Luggage tag holders would probably make the flight okay, but, to me, there’s no sense subjecting these to the wear and tear of airline luggage handling.

Print and fold (or cut) your printable luggage tags at home, put them in holders and pack. Put on the night before you cruise and you’ll all set.

Cruise Luggage Tags for Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Essentials in 2023-2024 – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Related… Recommendation: Get Luggage Tags for Your Next Cruise (smoother embarkation, less chance of delayed luggage!)

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

A Sad Update… Eating Gluten Free on a Royal Caribbean Cruise

This review and guide is written by Will. Will is a Cruise Packing List Contributor and has Celiac Disease.

About This Review:

This original review was written after sailing on Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas in 2017. Allure sailed from Ft Lauderdale to Labadee Haiti, Falmouth, Jamaica and Cozumel, Mexico.

Since that time I’ve taken many Royal Caribbean cruises. Some sections have updated to include new information and tips from more recent cruises.

Update: No Gluten Free Beer 🙁

Soon after our first sailings Royal Caribbean stopped carrying gluten free beer. I’ve contacted them many times about this and am regularly told that they do carry gluten free beer… Daura Damm.  Daura Damm is not gluten free. It’s gluten removed. In fact, it cannot be labeled as gluten free in the US.  With as many great truly gluten free beers that are available it’s mind boggling to me that they offer exactly zero options.

Update 5/8/2024:

Toward the beginning of 2023 Royal Caribbean introduced new themed menus. It’s my understanding that the goal of these new menus was to streamline service and reduce overall dining time.

Prior to this change the general process for a gluten free cruiser (and other dietary issues) was to…

  1. Speak with a head waiter and talk about dietary needs.
  2. Find out which venues on the ship could accommodate the need.
  3. Pre-order for the next day’s meals.

The pre-order could be a modification to an existing menu item OR a special request. I have had head waiters completely disregard the menu and ask me… what would you like to eat? This offered a lot of flexibility.

This was actually also true for guests without special dietary needs. You could request something and generally they would make it for you the following day.

With the 2023 menu change… Special requests are no longer allowed or accepted. This means that options are limited to what’s on the menu. Some items can’t be made gluten free so that is a further limitation. Even more frustrating, in my experience, the dishes that can be made gluten free aren’t prepared as well. I would generally characterize what comes out as kind of a half hearted effort. Beyond dietary needs it’s my opinion that the overall quality of included food has gone down. Also, selection is severely limited. Beyond all this, a less serious criticism is themed menus are just kind of odd.

Less training… I also have the impression that training is not as good as it once was. On one cruise I was served San Bernadino vanilla ice cream. Later in the cruise I spoke with a supervisor in the Windjammer with the hope of getting a scoop of ice cream from a new container. He looked at the ingredients and all options said “contains wheat”. He then called the pastry chef and had them look at the provisions list. There were 0 gluten free ice cream options on board. That’s two problems. First, I was served non-gluten free ice cream. Second, no gluten free ice cream options were available. When I brought this up with my head waiter, he insisted the ice cream was gluten free and they continued to serve it to me throughout the cruise. Two notes… I didn’t eat it and the soft serve on board was gluten free. I sailed on the same ship a couple months later and they no longer offered me ice cream. They apparently changed course.

After years of cruising gluten free and many gluten free sailings on Royal ships I do think Royal Caribbean has taken some solid steps backwards. No menu markings, less choices, less flexibility and in my opinion lower food quality and less training. This while other lines are upping their games.

In fairness, I think the overall experience on Royal Caribbean is still good and better than many land based options. For the time being, I will continue to sail with Royal Caribbean with the hope that the trend downward reverses.

Related: Gluten Free Translation Card

Gluten Free Translation Card

About me: I have Celiac Disease and as such I must eat a strictly gluten free diet. Not by choice but by medical necessity.

This write up will focus primarily on the food and service we experienced not so much the ship itself or the ports we visited.  However, I would like to briefly say that The Allure of the Seas is beautiful.  It’s a massive ship (one of the largest in the world), modern, very well maintained and offers diverse dining and entertainment options.  Even though the ship accommodates 5,000 or 6,000, we very rarely felt cramped.  There is ample room to move around and it was always easy to find a lounging chair.  We’ve taken a good number of cruises, although this was our first Royal Caribbean cruise.  We were very, very impressed.  Overall, this was our best cruise experience ever.  On to the food…

But First… Fresh First

For the reviewed cruise (any many cruises since) we embarked from Fort Lauderdale. Fresh First is a dedicated gluten free restaurant that puts a healthy spin on comfort foods. If you eat gluten free (or even if you do not) Fresh First is worth a visit! The food is delicious and the staff is amazing. I cannot emphasize how great Fresh First is. We’ve eaten here many times. This is a great place, run by great people… go to this place!

Omelet, Waffle, Griddled Red and Sweet Potatoes and… a Chocolate Chip Pancake.  Just outstanding.  I would nearly hop on a plane to go get another one of these pancakes.  Get the pancake!

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

Eggs Benedict with perfectly, I mean perfectly done eggs.  Delicious.Chicken Salad sandwich – pulled chicken breast, Granny Smith apples, celery, dill and vegan mayo served on a delicious GF bun with potato leek soup.

Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas…

Note: I purchased this cruise with my own money.  Beyond that I did not identify myself as a travel writer or contributor to Cruise Packing List.  I was an anonymous full fare paying passenger on this cruise.

Before the cruise

Contact customer service and let them know you need a gluten free meal. This is supposed to be done 90 days before embarkation. My guess is that this factors in to food orders. You can also email [email protected] but I’ve found phone to be best as email typically takes a long to to be answered.

On the cruise

As someone with special dietary requirements your main point of contact on the ship is generally your head waiter.  They take orders for the next day, answer questions about food on board and can help with special arrangements.  It seems people are generally directed to get with their head waiter after boarding.  I was unable to do that until our first dinner at which time I identified myself as having Celiac Disease.  I asked several questions and got the answers.  Notable things I found out…

  • I would pre-order main dining room meals after dinner each night.
  • All specialty dining venues had gluten free options and were considered safe by my head waiter.
  • When dining at a specialty restaurant, you should ask to speak with a supervisor for assistance.

We had chosen My Time Dining.  Even with MTD, I always had the same head waiter each evening.  Our head waiter, Adina, was one of only a couple female head waiters on that particular sailing.  She was… amazing.  Really, actually, literally amazing.  Keep reading for an illustration of that, but she was amazing.

Update: After many cruises I now always choose a set time seating instead of My Time Dining. Getting the same wait staff is important to me. Sometimes getting the same staff with MTD can be a hassle.

I don’t have a lot of pictures of food, because I have a tendency to want to just eat the food when it arrives, but I did take a few…

Burger in the main dining room.  Do you ever have those questioning moments, where something looks so good, you’re worried that it isn’t gluten free.  That was my reaction for the first time I saw this bun.  It was very tasty and, the lab I keep built in to my body 🙂 also confirmed that it was gluten free.

A note about Johnny Rockets: I tried to eat at Johnny Rockets for lunch one day.  Can you, as a Celiac or otherwise gluten intolerant, eat there?  Probably yes.  After speaking with the supervisor I learned that the fries were fried in a shared fryer and that my burger would take 30 minutes because they would bake it.  They also weren’t sure if they had a GF bun or not.  So, 30 minutes for a baked burger in a lettuce wrap and no fries?  I appreciate the safety and all of the clear information, but I got up and went to the main dining room.  The Royal Burger is delicious and the fries are safe.

Fries from the main dining room.  Delicious steak-fry cut, fried in a dedicated fryer.  Umm… yes please.

Update: I’ve gotten lots of different types of fries, Sometimes fried and sometimes baked if a dedicated gluten free fryer was not available.

Gluten free bread from our dinner at Chop’s Steakhouse.  I had the filet and couple sides and our meal was outstanding.

Update: Royal has since gone to pre-made bread… for the most part. What your ship will have exactly… will vary. Sometimes they’ll still bake something fresh, but what I’ve gotten mostly on recent sailings is pre-package bread.

Head Waiter Heroics… While we were profusely enjoying our dinner at Chop’s I wondered how I would pre-order my meals for the next day.  Towards the end of the meal, our head waiter Adina showed up with the next day’s menus.  She had noticed we hadn’t shown up in the main dining, looked in the reservation system to find where we were…. dressed up in a Chops uniform and showed up at our table to take my pre-order.  Umm… wow.  That level of care and service is amazing to me.

A carnitas taco (with table-side guacamole) at Sabor.  Sabor was our first eating experience on the ship.  Several reviews I read indicated that Windjammer Buffet (Did someone say buffet!?) was the only venue open for lunch on embarkation day.  That’s just not correct.  At least on the Allure of the Seas, several venues were open, including Sabor.  The fryers at Sabor are not dedicated, however, they will heat up a kettle of oil when you order and fry you up some fresh chips.  It takes a little while to get the first order, but it’s pretty amazing that they do that.  Our food at Sabor was delicious.  Both times we went (one lunch and one dinner) we got table side guacamole.  Great venue with great food!

Update: Unfortunately Sabor seems to be on it’s way out. On the handful of ships that still have it, table side guac is gone and I’ve been regularly served hard shell corn tacos instead of soft corn tortillas.  On the plus side, I have had good experiences with what appears to be Sabor’s replacement El Loco Fresh. I’ll speak with a supervisor to talk about options and ask for food from the back to avoid cross contamination.

I read great things about the (gluten containing) roast beef sandwich at Park Cafe and I also read it was possible to get a gluten free variation and indeed it is.  After talking to the supervisor… Adel (not that one, but a superstar nonetheless… Thank you Adel) he made me a sandwich himself.  When he started warming up a toaster, I objected asking if that had been used to toast gluten containing items.  He pointed out the sign on the top of the toaster.  You can’t see it very well in this photo (click to zoom) but it’s clearly marked gluten free.  Nice!  They pulled a fresh pan of roast beef from the kitchen and assembled the whole thing right in front of my eyes.

Park Cafe Roast Beef Sandwich on Udi’s Bagel.  Pay no attention to the extra roast beef on the side.  I asked for extra roast beef and they obliged.  Delicious GF roast beef sandwich!

Update: This has mostly continued to be my experience although on some ships they don’t have gluten free bagels and on some ships I have been told the roast beef is not gluten free. Again, always talk to a supervisor

Another plate of gluten free bread I received.  In all, I had three types of bread (not counting buns) on the cruise.  The topmost one was the most common and my favorite, it has some sort of nut in it.  The bottom-most one was good too, it had a combo bread/cornbread feel to it.  The third variety I received (only once), was extremely white and had very little flavor and the texture of styrofoam.  That was only on one occasion and even then, I had two other good choices on the same plate.

The Royal Shrimp Cocktail was a nightly appetizer for me.  Remember you can order as many appetizers, entrees and desserts as you’d like.  Portions tend to be smaller, so this isn’t as bad for you as it sounds.

Here is the breakfast menu from the main dining room.  I think it’s the same menu daily, at least for the most part.  Do you see gluten free pancakes as an option… no, they are not an option.  Keep reading.

Update: The menu has changed multiple times this this first review. Most recently Royal has gone to theme nights for dinners. I have been on multiple sailings when these were in use including the very first cruise that Wonder of the Seas had with the new themed menus. From my perspective these are a step backwards. They’re fine, but fewer options are available. Breakfast and lunch menus haven’t changed much at least that I’ve seen. Keep in mind you can also special order items not on the menu.

Gluten free pancakes.  Whammo.  Pretty delicious too.  My amazing head waiter special ordered these for me every day.  You could also do gluten free waffles or french toast.  Here’s a secret… your headwaiter can make just about anything (food-wise) happen for you.

Here’s my standard breakfast.  Gluten free pancakes and the “Classic” with eggs over medium, bacon and hashbrowns.

Although I’ve never seen them on any menu you can also order gluten free french toast and gluten free eggs benedict. The eggs benedict is particularly good if they have gluten free bagels. Otherwise it’s usually served on toast, which is okay too.

A visit from Chef Brad… One morning during breakfast one of the Chef’s visited my table.  Remember… I did not identify myself as a gluten free blogger or as a writer, at all.  Chef Brad stopped by my table and introduced himself and said that he was one of the Chef’s responsible for gluten free cuisine.  He told me how important it was to him and Royal Caribbean.  Gluten free peoples of the world… Where does this happen at??  That’s amazing service and it also shows that Royal Caribbean and… Brad really care about gluten free and the health of gluten intolerant people.  Bravo!

This is an aerial shot of the Boardwalk.  Sabor is toward the end of the Boardwalk on the right side.  “Cups and Scoops” is also on the right side.  It serves cupcakes and Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.  I stopped in to Cups and Scoops one day to ask about gluten free options.  The worker quickly listed off gluten free flavors… Yay!  I asked about getting a serving from an unopened and uncontaminated container in the back and the person was unable or unwilling to do that.  I didn’t really push it and if I were, I would have asked for a supervisor, like I was supposed to do anyway, and I’m assuming they would have made it happen.

Odds and Ends…

Does Royal Caribbean have Gluten Free Beer?

The answer is unfortunately… No Royal Caribbean does not have gluten free beer. As you can see from the picture from the menu above at one time they served Dogfish Head Tweason’ale which IS gluten free. That is long gone. I haven’t seen it since my first gluten free sailing on Royal Caribbean.

What all Royal ships I’ve been on since service and try to pass off as gluten free is Daura Damm. In spite of what they say… this is not a gluten free beer. Daura Damm is a gluten removed beer.

Is it safe or appropriate for people who eat gluten free as a dietary choice… yeah, probably.

Is it safe or appropriate for people with Celiac Disease or other serious gluten related condition? No, I don’t think you can say that See: The Celiac Patient Antibody Response to Conventional and Gluten-Removed Beer

In the US Daura Damm cannot be labeled or marketed as gluten free yet this is the only “Gluten Free” beer on many Royal Caribbean ships.

I’ve contacted Royal about this several times including speaking with the head of food and beverage for the entire line and haven’t gotten anywhere.

It’s a shame that with so many truly gluten free options out there that this is what Royal chooses. In my opinion, this is ridiculous.

Fortunately there are other options – wine, cider, seltzers and mixed drinks.

Here it is Dogfish Head Tweason’ale.  Really a pretty tasty beer and actually gluten free. Alas, I haven’t seen this served in years. Royal Caribbean please offer a truly gluten free beer.

Labadee Beach BBQ – Food on Labadee, Royal Caribbean’s private resort, comes from the ship.  My head waiter told me what was gluten free and directed me to talk with a supervisor at Labadee.  I did so, and the supervisor kindly got me an uncontaminated plate from fresh food.  I had ribs and beans and rice along with some fruit.  I also had the option of pre-ordering a specific meal from the ship.  You can also return to the ship to eat lunch.  Everything is pretty close, so you could do that without too much hassle.

Update: Cococay – I have since visited Cococay many times. The larger buffet options can do gluten free burgers, hot dogs and fries. Some sides are also gluten free. I ordered a gluten free pizza on one cruise and that was a mistake. It was a gluten free crust, sauce, topped with slices of American cheese. Disturbing. The fries and burgers are generally good. Again, talk with your head waiter and supervisor on duty. The Cocoa Beach Club (an admission required club) has had plenty of options. All of our meals at Cocoa Beach Club have been delicious.

Eating at other ports – I usually eat a large breakfast each day before leaving the ship and take along snacks and protein bars.

A note when traveling to foreign countries – This is an important tip.  The formula for products you know and are familiar with can be region specific.  For example, Ruffles and Doritos are (as of this writing) gluten free in the sense that they have no gluten containing ingredients.  That’s in the US.  All bets are off when you hit the border.  I almost purchased and consumed both Ruffles and Doritos while in port at Cozumel.  FORTUNATELY…. they both called out the fact that they have gluten in the ingredient list.  Why would Ruffles have gluten in them?  Why?  Ruffles and Doritos in Mexico are… unsafe.  Keep the fact that formulations can change by region in mind when you are traveling.

Udi’s Single Serve Cookies – Promenade Cafe usually has Udi’s cookies.  You just need to ask at the counter.  I received both chocolate chip and snicker doodle and both were nice snacks.

Sorrento’s Pizza – On this first cruise I did not try the pizza. Since I’ve eaten at Sorrento’s several times with great results. Again, talk to a supervisor to see what your options are and double check that they can prepare safely on your ship.

Chops Steakhouse – Chops is great! Plenty of protein options available. I will say that at times I struggle at Chops with sides and desserts. Options can be limited. I recommend visiting the day before your reservation to talk about options and pre-order items if appropriate.

Izumi – I have been able to eat at Izumi many times and love it. Again, always let them know what you’re dietary needs are and they will let you know what your options are.

Windjammer Buffet – When I eat at the Windjammer I ask for a Chef. The Chef will walk around with you and let you know what’s gluten free. After deciding what I want I typically ask the Chef to get it from the back so that it’s not cross contaminated.

Special Ordering Food

You generally are not limited to what is on the menu. You can special order something off menu. This is true for anyone, not just people with dietary needs or allergies.

You do need to do this at least a day in advance and… be flexible. Not everything will be available or possible. Again, your head waiter is the person to talk to about this.

  • Gluten free pancakes/blueberry pancakes
  • Gluten free french toast – I ask for a gluten free bagel
  • Hash browns – these are one of the trickiest things for whatever reason. Sometimes they say the standard hashbrowns are gluten free, sometimes they say the standard hash browns need to be special ordered and sometimes they so no hashbrowns are gluten free. If you have a problem with this you can pre-order hand made hash browns.
  • Chicken Cordon Bleu – mine appeared to be baked, it wasn’t great but it was Chicken Cordon Bleu
  • Fish and chips
  • Onion rings – I haven’t tried this one myself but I’ve been told by others this is possible
  • Cheesecake
  • Mushroom soup – this goes back and forth between being gluten free by default and not gluten free. If their current recipe is not gluten free I have been able to pre-order a gluten free version.
  • What else, leave a comment and I’ll add it to the list so your fellow gluten free cruisers know what options are available.
  • Jerk Seasoned Pork Chop – this is another tricky one. More often than not when I’ve pre-ordered this I’ve gotten a plain grilled pork chop with gravy on it. Zero things are jerk flavored about it and it’s generally not even the same cut of pork chop, thin vs a nice thick cut. If you try to pre-order this, bring up the cut of meat and the specific preparation to your head waiter. It is possible to get something a lot closer to what’s on the menu but you need to talk to them about specifics.

Royal Caribbean Quick Tips

  • Make sure and request a gluten free meal 90 days prior to your cruise. Also let reservations know of any other food allergies or requirements.
  • Email [email protected] with special requests or questions
  • Talk to your head waiter about options and to pre-order meals for the following day.
  • Always speak with a supervisor when ordering outside the main dining room/MDR
  • Visit specialty restaurants the day before your reservation to go over options and pre order if appropriate.
  • If you don’t see something you like on the MDR menu, you can special order off the menu.

Final Thoughts…

This was an amazing vacation that I would relive in a heartbeat.  I was encouraged that a company would take my eating limitations so seriously.  Royal Caribbean does gluten free right.  Thank you to RC and to your awesome staff!  You’ve won a lifelong customer.

Be kind, thankful and generous… Let’s face it folks, we are non-gluten eaters in a gluten filled world.  It takes extra care, effort and cost to safely serve us.  A main concern we have is eating safely.  Be kind and thankful to those that are going out of their way to serve you.  Spread the word about great companies like Royal Caribbean and be generous.  We left the automatic tips on our account and then tipped an extra cash amount directly to our entire dining room staff.  How much is it worth to you to feel well for an entire week of eating away from your home.  For me, that’s worth a lot.

Thank you Royal Caribbean and keep up the amazing work!  You went beyond my expectations and I look for to returning.

A Great Resource For Gluten Free Cruisers…

Cruising Gluten Free is a great resource for gluten free cruising. Lots of helpful members that can answer questions and help.


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This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. top:rcgf tag:tpru

Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Luggage Tags

Cruise Luggage Tags for Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Essentials in 2023-2024

I highly recommend cruise luggage tag holders. These are sturdier and more secure than tape or staples. Having these also means you don’t need to carry along… tape or staples. These also keep your tags dry (and readable) in the event of rain. Because your tags are more likely to stay on, you’re less likely to have delayed luggage on the ship. Size of these varies based on cruise line. Look for one that’s compatible with your cruise line.

If you’re flying to your embarkation port I don’t recommend putting cruise tags on your luggage until after your flight. That’s especially true if you’re taping and stapling vs using luggage tags. Luggage tag holders would probably make the flight okay, but, to me, there’s no sense subjecting these to the wear and tear of airline luggage handling.

Print and fold (or cut) your printable luggage tags at home, put them in holders and pack. Put on the night before you cruise and you’ll all set.

Cruise Luggage Tags for Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Essentials in 2023-2024 – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Related… Recommendation: Get Luggage Tags for Your Next Cruise (smoother embarkation, less chance of delayed luggage!)

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Luggage Tags

Cruise Luggage Tags for Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Essentials in 2023-2024

I highly recommend cruise luggage tag holders. These are sturdier and more secure than tape or staples. Having these also means you don’t need to carry along… tape or staples. These also keep your tags dry (and readable) in the event of rain. Because your tags are more likely to stay on, you’re less likely to have delayed luggage on the ship. Size of these varies based on cruise line. Look for one that’s compatible with your cruise line.

If you’re flying to your embarkation port I don’t recommend putting cruise tags on your luggage until after your flight. That’s especially true if you’re taping and stapling vs using luggage tags. Luggage tag holders would probably make the flight okay, but, to me, there’s no sense subjecting these to the wear and tear of airline luggage handling.

Print and fold (or cut) your printable luggage tags at home, put them in holders and pack. Put on the night before you cruise and you’ll all set.

Cruise Luggage Tags for Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Essentials in 2023-2024 – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Related… Recommendation: Get Luggage Tags for Your Next Cruise (smoother embarkation, less chance of delayed luggage!)

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Luggage Tags

Cruise Luggage Tags, NTONPOWER Cruise Tags Holders with Steel Loops Clear Cruise Luggage Tags for Cruise Ships Fits All Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Cruise Essentials in 2024

I highly recommend cruise luggage tag holders. These are sturdier and more secure than tape or staples. Having these also means you don’t need to carry along… tape or staples. These also keep your tags dry (and readable) in the event of rain. Because your tags are more likely to stay on, you’re less likely to have delayed luggage on the ship. Size of these varies based on cruise line. Look for one that’s compatible with your cruise line.

If you’re flying to your embarkation port I don’t recommend putting cruise tags on your luggage until after your flight. That’s especially true if you’re taping and stapling vs using luggage tags. Luggage tag holders would probably make the flight okay, but, to me, there’s no sense subjecting these to the wear and tear of airline luggage handling.

Print and fold (or cut) your printable luggage tags at home, put them in holders and pack. Put on the night before you cruise and you’ll all set.

Cruise Luggage Tags, NTONPOWER Cruise Tags Holders with Steel Loops Clear Cruise Luggage Tags for Cruise Ships Fits All Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Cruise Essentials in 2024 – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Related… Recommendation: Get Luggage Tags for Your Next Cruise (smoother embarkation, less chance of delayed luggage!)

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

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Eating Gluten Free on a Royal Caribbean Cruise

This review and guide is written by Will. Will is a Cruise Packing List Contributor and has Celiac Disease.

About This Review:

This original review was written after sailing on Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas in 2017. Allure sailed from Ft Lauderdale to Labadee Haiti, Falmouth, Jamaica and Cozumel, Mexico.

Since that time I’ve taken many Royal Caribbean cruises. Some sections have updated to include new information and tips from more recent cruises.

Update: No Gluten Free Beer 🙁

Soon after our first sailings Royal Caribbean stopped carrying gluten free beer. I’ve contacted them many times about this and am regularly told that they do carry gluten free beer… Daura Damm.  Daura Damm is not gluten free. It’s gluten removed. In fact, it cannot be labeled as gluten free in the US.  With as many great truly gluten free beers that are available it’s mind boggling to me that they offer exactly zero options.

Update 5/8/2024:

Toward the beginning of 2023 Royal Caribbean introduced new themed menus. It’s my understanding that the goal of these new menus was to streamline service and reduce overall dining time.

Prior to this change the general process for a gluten free cruiser (and other dietary issues) was to…

  1. Speak with a head waiter and talk about dietary needs.
  2. Find out which venues on the ship could accommodate the need.
  3. Pre-order for the next day’s meals.

The pre-order could be a modification to an existing menu item OR a special request. I have had head waiters completely disregard the menu and ask me… what would you like to eat? This offered a lot of flexibility.

This was actually also true for guests without special dietary needs. You could request something and generally they would make it for you the following day.

With the 2023 menu change… Special requests are no longer allowed or accepted. This means that options are limited to what’s on the menu. Some items can’t be made gluten free so that is a further limitation. Even more frustrating, in my experience, the dishes that can be made gluten free aren’t prepared as well. I would generally characterize what comes out as kind of a half hearted effort. Beyond dietary needs it’s my opinion that the overall quality of included food has gone down. Also, selection is severely limited. Beyond all this, a less serious criticism is themed menus are just kind of odd.

Less training… I also have the impression that training is not as good as it once was. On one cruise I was served San Bernadino vanilla ice cream. Later in the cruise I spoke with a supervisor in the Windjammer with the hope of getting a scoop of ice cream from a new container. He looked at the ingredients and all options said “contains wheat”. He then called the pastry chef and had them look at the provisions list. There were 0 gluten free ice cream options on board. That’s two problems. First, I was served non-gluten free ice cream. Second, no gluten free ice cream options were available. When I brought this up with my head waiter, he insisted the ice cream was gluten free and they continued to serve it to me throughout the cruise. Two notes… I didn’t eat it and the soft serve on board was gluten free. I sailed on the same ship a couple months later and they no longer offered me ice cream. They apparently changed course.

After years of cruising gluten free and many gluten free sailings on Royal ships I do think Royal Caribbean has taken some solid steps backwards. No menu markings, less choices, less flexibility and in my opinion lower food quality and less training. This while other lines are upping their games.

In fairness, I think the overall experience on Royal Caribbean is still good and better than many land based options. For the time being, I will continue to sail with Royal Caribbean with the hope that the trend downward reverses.

Related: Gluten Free Translation Card

Gluten Free Translation Card

About me: I have Celiac Disease and as such I must eat a strictly gluten free diet. Not by choice but by medical necessity.

This write up will focus primarily on the food and service we experienced not so much the ship itself or the ports we visited.  However, I would like to briefly say that The Allure of the Seas is beautiful.  It’s a massive ship (one of the largest in the world), modern, very well maintained and offers diverse dining and entertainment options.  Even though the ship accommodates 5,000 or 6,000, we very rarely felt cramped.  There is ample room to move around and it was always easy to find a lounging chair.  We’ve taken a good number of cruises, although this was our first Royal Caribbean cruise.  We were very, very impressed.  Overall, this was our best cruise experience ever.  On to the food…

But First… Fresh First

For the reviewed cruise (any many cruises since) we embarked from Fort Lauderdale. Fresh First is a dedicated gluten free restaurant that puts a healthy spin on comfort foods. If you eat gluten free (or even if you do not) Fresh First is worth a visit! The food is delicious and the staff is amazing. I cannot emphasize how great Fresh First is. We’ve eaten here many times. This is a great place, run by great people… go to this place!

Omelet, Waffle, Griddled Red and Sweet Potatoes and… a Chocolate Chip Pancake.  Just outstanding.  I would nearly hop on a plane to go get another one of these pancakes.  Get the pancake!

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Eggs Benedict with perfectly, I mean perfectly done eggs.  Delicious.Chicken Salad sandwich – pulled chicken breast, Granny Smith apples, celery, dill and vegan mayo served on a delicious GF bun with potato leek soup.

Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas…

Note: I purchased this cruise with my own money.  Beyond that I did not identify myself as a travel writer or contributor to Cruise Packing List.  I was an anonymous full fare paying passenger on this cruise.

Before the cruise

Contact customer service and let them know you need a gluten free meal. This is supposed to be done 90 days before embarkation. My guess is that this factors in to food orders. You can also email [email protected] but I’ve found phone to be best as email typically takes a long to to be answered.

On the cruise

As someone with special dietary requirements your main point of contact on the ship is generally your head waiter.  They take orders for the next day, answer questions about food on board and can help with special arrangements.  It seems people are generally directed to get with their head waiter after boarding.  I was unable to do that until our first dinner at which time I identified myself as having Celiac Disease.  I asked several questions and got the answers.  Notable things I found out…

  • I would pre-order main dining room meals after dinner each night.
  • All specialty dining venues had gluten free options and were considered safe by my head waiter.
  • When dining at a specialty restaurant, you should ask to speak with a supervisor for assistance.

We had chosen My Time Dining.  Even with MTD, I always had the same head waiter each evening.  Our head waiter, Adina, was one of only a couple female head waiters on that particular sailing.  She was… amazing.  Really, actually, literally amazing.  Keep reading for an illustration of that, but she was amazing.

Update: After many cruises I now always choose a set time seating instead of My Time Dining. Getting the same wait staff is important to me. Sometimes getting the same staff with MTD can be a hassle.

I don’t have a lot of pictures of food, because I have a tendency to want to just eat the food when it arrives, but I did take a few…

Burger in the main dining room.  Do you ever have those questioning moments, where something looks so good, you’re worried that it isn’t gluten free.  That was my reaction for the first time I saw this bun.  It was very tasty and, the lab I keep built in to my body 🙂 also confirmed that it was gluten free.

A note about Johnny Rockets: I tried to eat at Johnny Rockets for lunch one day.  Can you, as a Celiac or otherwise gluten intolerant, eat there?  Probably yes.  After speaking with the supervisor I learned that the fries were fried in a shared fryer and that my burger would take 30 minutes because they would bake it.  They also weren’t sure if they had a GF bun or not.  So, 30 minutes for a baked burger in a lettuce wrap and no fries?  I appreciate the safety and all of the clear information, but I got up and went to the main dining room.  The Royal Burger is delicious and the fries are safe.

Fries from the main dining room.  Delicious steak-fry cut, fried in a dedicated fryer.  Umm… yes please.

Update: I’ve gotten lots of different types of fries, Sometimes fried and sometimes baked if a dedicated gluten free fryer was not available.

Gluten free bread from our dinner at Chop’s Steakhouse.  I had the filet and couple sides and our meal was outstanding.

Update: Royal has since gone to pre-made bread… for the most part. What your ship will have exactly… will vary. Sometimes they’ll still bake something fresh, but what I’ve gotten mostly on recent sailings is pre-package bread.

Head Waiter Heroics… While we were profusely enjoying our dinner at Chop’s I wondered how I would pre-order my meals for the next day.  Towards the end of the meal, our head waiter Adina showed up with the next day’s menus.  She had noticed we hadn’t shown up in the main dining, looked in the reservation system to find where we were…. dressed up in a Chops uniform and showed up at our table to take my pre-order.  Umm… wow.  That level of care and service is amazing to me.

A carnitas taco (with table-side guacamole) at Sabor.  Sabor was our first eating experience on the ship.  Several reviews I read indicated that Windjammer Buffet (Did someone say buffet!?) was the only venue open for lunch on embarkation day.  That’s just not correct.  At least on the Allure of the Seas, several venues were open, including Sabor.  The fryers at Sabor are not dedicated, however, they will heat up a kettle of oil when you order and fry you up some fresh chips.  It takes a little while to get the first order, but it’s pretty amazing that they do that.  Our food at Sabor was delicious.  Both times we went (one lunch and one dinner) we got table side guacamole.  Great venue with great food!

Update: Unfortunately Sabor seems to be on it’s way out. On the handful of ships that still have it, table side guac is gone and I’ve been regularly served hard shell corn tacos instead of soft corn tortillas.  On the plus side, I have had good experiences with what appears to be Sabor’s replacement El Loco Fresh. I’ll speak with a supervisor to talk about options and ask for food from the back to avoid cross contamination.

I read great things about the (gluten containing) roast beef sandwich at Park Cafe and I also read it was possible to get a gluten free variation and indeed it is.  After talking to the supervisor… Adel (not that one, but a superstar nonetheless… Thank you Adel) he made me a sandwich himself.  When he started warming up a toaster, I objected asking if that had been used to toast gluten containing items.  He pointed out the sign on the top of the toaster.  You can’t see it very well in this photo (click to zoom) but it’s clearly marked gluten free.  Nice!  They pulled a fresh pan of roast beef from the kitchen and assembled the whole thing right in front of my eyes.

Park Cafe Roast Beef Sandwich on Udi’s Bagel.  Pay no attention to the extra roast beef on the side.  I asked for extra roast beef and they obliged.  Delicious GF roast beef sandwich!

Update: This has mostly continued to be my experience although on some ships they don’t have gluten free bagels and on some ships I have been told the roast beef is not gluten free. Again, always talk to a supervisor

Another plate of gluten free bread I received.  In all, I had three types of bread (not counting buns) on the cruise.  The topmost one was the most common and my favorite, it has some sort of nut in it.  The bottom-most one was good too, it had a combo bread/cornbread feel to it.  The third variety I received (only once), was extremely white and had very little flavor and the texture of styrofoam.  That was only on one occasion and even then, I had two other good choices on the same plate.

The Royal Shrimp Cocktail was a nightly appetizer for me.  Remember you can order as many appetizers, entrees and desserts as you’d like.  Portions tend to be smaller, so this isn’t as bad for you as it sounds.

Here is the breakfast menu from the main dining room.  I think it’s the same menu daily, at least for the most part.  Do you see gluten free pancakes as an option… no, they are not an option.  Keep reading.

Update: The menu has changed multiple times this this first review. Most recently Royal has gone to theme nights for dinners. I have been on multiple sailings when these were in use including the very first cruise that Wonder of the Seas had with the new themed menus. From my perspective these are a step backwards. They’re fine, but fewer options are available. Breakfast and lunch menus haven’t changed much at least that I’ve seen. Keep in mind you can also special order items not on the menu.

Gluten free pancakes.  Whammo.  Pretty delicious too.  My amazing head waiter special ordered these for me every day.  You could also do gluten free waffles or french toast.  Here’s a secret… your headwaiter can make just about anything (food-wise) happen for you.

Here’s my standard breakfast.  Gluten free pancakes and the “Classic” with eggs over medium, bacon and hashbrowns.

Although I’ve never seen them on any menu you can also order gluten free french toast and gluten free eggs benedict. The eggs benedict is particularly good if they have gluten free bagels. Otherwise it’s usually served on toast, which is okay too.

A visit from Chef Brad… One morning during breakfast one of the Chef’s visited my table.  Remember… I did not identify myself as a gluten free blogger or as a writer, at all.  Chef Brad stopped by my table and introduced himself and said that he was one of the Chef’s responsible for gluten free cuisine.  He told me how important it was to him and Royal Caribbean.  Gluten free peoples of the world… Where does this happen at??  That’s amazing service and it also shows that Royal Caribbean and… Brad really care about gluten free and the health of gluten intolerant people.  Bravo!

This is an aerial shot of the Boardwalk.  Sabor is toward the end of the Boardwalk on the right side.  “Cups and Scoops” is also on the right side.  It serves cupcakes and Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.  I stopped in to Cups and Scoops one day to ask about gluten free options.  The worker quickly listed off gluten free flavors… Yay!  I asked about getting a serving from an unopened and uncontaminated container in the back and the person was unable or unwilling to do that.  I didn’t really push it and if I were, I would have asked for a supervisor, like I was supposed to do anyway, and I’m assuming they would have made it happen.

Odds and Ends…

Does Royal Caribbean have Gluten Free Beer?

The answer is unfortunately… No Royal Caribbean does not have gluten free beer. As you can see from the picture from the menu above at one time they served Dogfish Head Tweason’ale which IS gluten free. That is long gone. I haven’t seen it since my first gluten free sailing on Royal Caribbean.

What all Royal ships I’ve been on since service and try to pass off as gluten free is Daura Damm. In spite of what they say… this is not a gluten free beer. Daura Damm is a gluten removed beer.

Is it safe or appropriate for people who eat gluten free as a dietary choice… yeah, probably.

Is it safe or appropriate for people with Celiac Disease or other serious gluten related condition? No, I don’t think you can say that See: The Celiac Patient Antibody Response to Conventional and Gluten-Removed Beer

In the US Daura Damm cannot be labeled or marketed as gluten free yet this is the only “Gluten Free” beer on many Royal Caribbean ships.

I’ve contacted Royal about this several times including speaking with the head of food and beverage for the entire line and haven’t gotten anywhere.

It’s a shame that with so many truly gluten free options out there that this is what Royal chooses. In my opinion, this is ridiculous.

Fortunately there are other options – wine, cider, seltzers and mixed drinks.

Here it is Dogfish Head Tweason’ale.  Really a pretty tasty beer and actually gluten free. Alas, I haven’t seen this served in years. Royal Caribbean please offer a truly gluten free beer.

Labadee Beach BBQ – Food on Labadee, Royal Caribbean’s private resort, comes from the ship.  My head waiter told me what was gluten free and directed me to talk with a supervisor at Labadee.  I did so, and the supervisor kindly got me an uncontaminated plate from fresh food.  I had ribs and beans and rice along with some fruit.  I also had the option of pre-ordering a specific meal from the ship.  You can also return to the ship to eat lunch.  Everything is pretty close, so you could do that without too much hassle.

Update: Cococay – I have since visited Cococay many times. The larger buffet options can do gluten free burgers, hot dogs and fries. Some sides are also gluten free. I ordered a gluten free pizza on one cruise and that was a mistake. It was a gluten free crust, sauce, topped with slices of American cheese. Disturbing. The fries and burgers are generally good. Again, talk with your head waiter and supervisor on duty. The Cocoa Beach Club (an admission required club) has had plenty of options. All of our meals at Cocoa Beach Club have been delicious.

Eating at other ports – I usually eat a large breakfast each day before leaving the ship and take along snacks and protein bars.

A note when traveling to foreign countries – This is an important tip.  The formula for products you know and are familiar with can be region specific.  For example, Ruffles and Doritos are (as of this writing) gluten free in the sense that they have no gluten containing ingredients.  That’s in the US.  All bets are off when you hit the border.  I almost purchased and consumed both Ruffles and Doritos while in port at Cozumel.  FORTUNATELY…. they both called out the fact that they have gluten in the ingredient list.  Why would Ruffles have gluten in them?  Why?  Ruffles and Doritos in Mexico are… unsafe.  Keep the fact that formulations can change by region in mind when you are traveling.

Udi’s Single Serve Cookies – Promenade Cafe usually has Udi’s cookies.  You just need to ask at the counter.  I received both chocolate chip and snicker doodle and both were nice snacks.

Sorrento’s Pizza – On this first cruise I did not try the pizza. Since I’ve eaten at Sorrento’s several times with great results. Again, talk to a supervisor to see what your options are and double check that they can prepare safely on your ship.

Chops Steakhouse – Chops is great! Plenty of protein options available. I will say that at times I struggle at Chops with sides and desserts. Options can be limited. I recommend visiting the day before your reservation to talk about options and pre-order items if appropriate.

Izumi – I have been able to eat at Izumi many times and love it. Again, always let them know what you’re dietary needs are and they will let you know what your options are.

Windjammer Buffet – When I eat at the Windjammer I ask for a Chef. The Chef will walk around with you and let you know what’s gluten free. After deciding what I want I typically ask the Chef to get it from the back so that it’s not cross contaminated.

Special Ordering Food

You generally are not limited to what is on the menu. You can special order something off menu. This is true for anyone, not just people with dietary needs or allergies.

You do need to do this at least a day in advance and… be flexible. Not everything will be available or possible. Again, your head waiter is the person to talk to about this.

  • Gluten free pancakes/blueberry pancakes
  • Gluten free french toast – I ask for a gluten free bagel
  • Hash browns – these are one of the trickiest things for whatever reason. Sometimes they say the standard hashbrowns are gluten free, sometimes they say the standard hash browns need to be special ordered and sometimes they so no hashbrowns are gluten free. If you have a problem with this you can pre-order hand made hash browns.
  • Chicken Cordon Bleu – mine appeared to be baked, it wasn’t great but it was Chicken Cordon Bleu
  • Fish and chips
  • Onion rings – I haven’t tried this one myself but I’ve been told by others this is possible
  • Cheesecake
  • Mushroom soup – this goes back and forth between being gluten free by default and not gluten free. If their current recipe is not gluten free I have been able to pre-order a gluten free version.
  • What else, leave a comment and I’ll add it to the list so your fellow gluten free cruisers know what options are available.
  • Jerk Seasoned Pork Chop – this is another tricky one. More often than not when I’ve pre-ordered this I’ve gotten a plain grilled pork chop with gravy on it. Zero things are jerk flavored about it and it’s generally not even the same cut of pork chop, thin vs a nice thick cut. If you try to pre-order this, bring up the cut of meat and the specific preparation to your head waiter. It is possible to get something a lot closer to what’s on the menu but you need to talk to them about specifics.

Royal Caribbean Quick Tips

  • Make sure and request a gluten free meal 90 days prior to your cruise. Also let reservations know of any other food allergies or requirements.
  • Email [email protected] with special requests or questions
  • Talk to your head waiter about options and to pre-order meals for the following day.
  • Always speak with a supervisor when ordering outside the main dining room/MDR
  • Visit specialty restaurants the day before your reservation to go over options and pre order if appropriate.
  • If you don’t see something you like on the MDR menu, you can special order off the menu.

Final Thoughts…

This was an amazing vacation that I would relive in a heartbeat.  I was encouraged that a company would take my eating limitations so seriously.  Royal Caribbean does gluten free right.  Thank you to RC and to your awesome staff!  You’ve won a lifelong customer.

Be kind, thankful and generous… Let’s face it folks, we are non-gluten eaters in a gluten filled world.  It takes extra care, effort and cost to safely serve us.  A main concern we have is eating safely.  Be kind and thankful to those that are going out of their way to serve you.  Spread the word about great companies like Royal Caribbean and be generous.  We left the automatic tips on our account and then tipped an extra cash amount directly to our entire dining room staff.  How much is it worth to you to feel well for an entire week of eating away from your home.  For me, that’s worth a lot.

Thank you Royal Caribbean and keep up the amazing work!  You went beyond my expectations and I look for to returning.

A Great Resource For Gluten Free Cruisers…

Cruising Gluten Free is a great resource for gluten free cruising. Lots of helpful members that can answer questions and help.


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Royal Caribbean Luggage Tag Holders

Cruise Luggage Tags for Royal Caribbean & Celebrity CruisesPictured: Cruise Luggage Tags for Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruises

I highly recommend cruise luggage tag holders. These are sturdier and more secure than tape or staples. Having these also means you don’t need to carry along… tape or staples. These also keep your tags dry (and readable) in the event of rain. Because your tags are more likely to stay on, you’re less likely to have delayed luggage on the ship. Size of these varies based on cruise line. Look for one that’s compatible with your cruise line tags.

If you’re flying to your embarkation port I don’t recommend putting cruise tags on your luggage until after your flight. That’s especially true if you’re taping and stapling vs using luggage tags. Luggage tag holders would probably make the flight okay, but, to me, there’s no sense subjecting these to the wear and tear of airline luggage handling.

Print and fold (or cut) your printable luggage tags at home, put them in holders and pack. Put on the night before you cruise and you’ll all set.

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

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