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Gluten Free on a Celebrity Cruises!

This review and guide is written by Will. Will is a Cruise Packing List Contributor and has Celiac Disease.

A bit about me:

I have cruised extensively since being diagnosed with Celiac Disease nearly 10 years ago. I’ve found it a generally easy way to travel considering my dietary limitations. Cruise lines that I’ve sailed on have generally done a fantastic job accommodating me and I’ve felt safe and healthy.

I have most sailed on Royal Caribbean since needing to become strictly gluten free, but I have ventured out.

This write up is about my experiences on Celebrity Cruises. It’s offered as a guide to help you have a smoother and safer vacation if you need to eat gluten free on vacation. Note that this written from a sensitive Celiac point of view. If you aren’t susceptible to issues from cross contamination, adjust accordingly.

Gluten Free on Celebrity Cruises

Before your cruise

  1. Contact Celebrity and let them know you need to eat gluten free. They will notate your reservation. When being seated staff will generally read that note and anticipate your needs, however… always let your server know.
  2. Choose a set dining time. It is possible to choose anytime dining and eat gluten free, however it’s a lot more difficult in my opinion. Having the same staff means they’ll know what you need. You’ll also have a point person in the form of a head waiter or maître d’ that can not only help you in the main dining room, but serve as your guide and help for the entire ship. This was a conclusion I came to early on, on my own and now as of this writing has become an official recommendation of both Royal Caribbean and Celebrity.

During the Cruise

  1. Head to the dining room to talk to the maître d’ on duty and look at the menu, it’s possible some items can be made gluten free if you pre-order.
  2. Talk to a manager, supervisor, maître d’. Always let staff know what you need and ask for options. It’s important to talk to a supervisor, I’ve gotten conflicting information from first tier staff.
  3. Pre-order, pre-order… pre-order. This seems to vary  by ship and by line but in my experience Celebrity really wants you to pre-order as much as possible. Some things were not available to me when I just walked up, but could be pre-ordered. Talk to your maître d’ each evening and look at the next day’s menu. Pre-order for every meal that you’re able to.

Places to eat

  1. Main dining room. This is the location that’s most well equipped to handle dietary issues. On Celebrity many gluten free items are marked on the menu. Speak with your maître d’ to pre-order the next day’s meals.
  2. Buffet – Oceanview Cafe. According to the manager I worked with in the Oceanview cafe, a high percentage of the dishes are gluten free. However… he made it clear to me that they do not consider food on the buffet to be Celiac-safe. This ironically includes the entire gluten free section when it’s in operation. If you have Celiac disease ask a manager for help. They will usually walk around with you, tell you what you can have an get the food from untouched trays in the back.
  3. Pizza – available in the Oceanview Cafe can be made gluten free. I was pleased that all available toppings are typically available gluten free. This is in contrast to other lines where pepperoni seems to be the most common option. They have a separate prep area and cook the pizza in it’s own aluminum pan. Tip: Getting an undercooked gluten free pizza seems to be pretty common. I think these take a little longer because of the aluminum tray. Maybe you like that, if not… ask for your pizza crispy and it’s much, much better.
  4. Most specialty restaurants. I’ve found that most specialty restaurants can accommodate Celiac disease. I highly recommend going to the restaurant the day before and asking to speak with a manager to pre-order. This simple step can make a potentially expensive meal at lot more enjoyable and smooth. It can mean the difference between a special order gluten free cheesecake and… a fruit cup. Fine Cut Steakhouse, Raw on 5, Eden (not Eden Cafe), Rooftop Garden Grill, Le Voyage by Daniel Boulud and Blu should all generally be able to accommodate gluten free eaters.
  5. Not… Eden Cafe. Eden Cafe was one location that I was told had 0 gluten free offerings. Eden Cafe is the quick service venue that’s open for breakfast and lunch. Eden on the other hand does have gluten free options.

A special order gluten free cheesecake that I received in Fine Cut Steakhouse. This is a picture of just the back of it, because I instantly dug into it before thinking to take a picture. This illustrates the magic of pre-ordering.

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Check out this review, guide continues below

Hands on Review: Top Magnets Heavy Duty Magnetic Hooks… These actually hold something!

Avoiding… Two Days of Tumult

I’ve settled on the term “Two Days of Tumult” to describe the first two days of eating gluten free on a cruise. There’s a learning curve between you and the ship. Learning how things work, getting to know your staff and communicating what you need and want. As an example. On one Celebrity Cruise I special ordered gluten free chocolate cake. First night, I got nothing, second night I got chocolate ice cream. I finally received something I wanted the third night.

In my opinion, the key to minimizing this is getting a set dining time and speaking with your maître d’ or head water. Tell them your situation, nicely and respectfully let them know about challenges you’ve had in the past and ask for what you want. You’re certainly not going to get everything you want, but you may get a lot closer by connecting with a maître d’ or head waiter.

Some pictures and thoughts

According to every menu I saw the ice cream and the signage in Oceanview Cafe, the ice cream is not gluten free. Well… it was gluten free. Speaking to a manager they make all the ice cream in house and it’s all gluten free. If you have Celiac disease they will get you some from a fresh tub in the back, but you need to work with a manager. The one pain point here is that some days a garnish will have gluten. Again, the manager can help you.

Café al Bacio

Café al Bacio is a delightful coffee shop on board most Celebrity ships. They have pastries and sandwiches as well as specialty coffees.

For breakfast they typically have a gluten free danish option. That was kept in the back and there was no indication it was available. Other than asking… do you have any gluten free options. They had two gluten free danish options each day.

See the case of beautiful mostly gluten laded pastries and baked goods

If you look closely the top shelf has two gluten free options. They have rightly placed these on the top so no crumbs should fall on them and if you look on the right of this picture there’s a plexiglass wall that separates gluten free from gluten containing. I don’t think it’s risk free but it’s a pretty good attempt and minimizing cross contamination. This is a rotating selection that changes daily.

Check out this review, guide continues below

Hands on Review: TESSAN International Power Plug with USB… Use the 220 Outlet on Your Next Cruise!

Gluten Free Matcha Cake

Gluten free Raspberry Chiffon Cake.

The first morning that I ordered gluten free pancakes, they looked spectacular. However, they were horrible. They seemed to be cooked on only one side. The underside was raw with a horrible consistency. Understandably these fell apart. I kindly and respectfully asked to speak to a maître d’ and explained my issue.

The next day the problem was resolved and I received some of the best gluten free pancakes I’ve ever had on a cruise ship.

Gluten free french toast. Pretty good.

Gluten free eggs benedict. This is another example of taking some time to get things working right. The first time I received this I had no Canadian bacon and very little Hollandaise. I brough the to a supervisors attention and received ham instead of Canadian bacon (there was obviously an issue with the Canadian bacon, but hey, ham works) and a side of Hollandaise. Really good.  A good question that I’m getting in the habit of asking is… will the gluten free version of this be a complete dish?  Will it have x, y and z?  If not what options are available?

Beer options… No, there are no beer options

Unfortunately much like their sister brand Royal Caribbean, the “gluten free” beer they carry is Daura Damm. Daura Damm is not gluten free. It’s gluten removed. In fact, it cannot be labeled as gluten free in the US.  With as many great truly gluten free beers that are available it’s mind boggling to me that they offer exactly zero options. Both Royal Caribbean and Celebrity should do better here. Wine, seltzers, ciders and mixed drinks are all avaiable.

The Problem with Pre-Ordering… 2025 edition

In years past cruise lines where much more accommodating when it came to pre-ordering.

The pre-order could be a modification to an existing menu item OR a special request. I have had head waiters completely disregard the menu and ask me… what would you like to eat? This offered a lot of flexibility.

This was actually also true for guests without special dietary needs. You could request something and generally they would make it for you the following day.

The tide has changed on pre-ordering. With cost cutting measures and staffing issues they are not as apt to take a pre-order.

That’s okay when you have a lot of options but how about if you have dietary issues. As an example the desserts on Royal Caribbean and Celebrity basically boil down to different forms of… pudding. Not much else is on offer for gluten free folk.

It is still possible to get a pre-order. See my cheesecake above. Talk to your headwaiter or maître d’ and nicely tell them… Hey, I know you can do this and it would make my vacation more enjoyable. Can you please talk with the chef and ask them to make xyz gluten free? If you’re having trouble you can take this to the next level by kindly and respectfully asking to talk to the restaurant manager or the chef in charge.

Keep Reading for Tips and Conclusions…

Related: Gluten Free Translation Card

Gluten Free Translation Card

Celebrity Cruises Gluten Free Quick Tips

  • Make sure and request a gluten free meal 90 days prior to your cruise. Also let reservations know of any other food allergies or requirements.
  • Email [email protected] with special requests or questions.
  • Choose a set dining time for the best experience.
  • Talk to your maître d’ about options and to pre-order meals for the following day.
  • Pre-order, pre-order, pre-order. Pre-order everything you’re able to including visiting specialty dining venues the day before your reservation.
  • Always speak with a supervisor when ordering outside the main dining room/MDR

General Thoughts on Cruising Gluten Free on Celebrity Cruises

Negative first… My experience was not as smooth as I thought it would be. There was a learning curve coming from mostly Royal Caribbean. The food was a little hit or miss. Follow my quick tips for a smoother experience.

Overall I had a great experience. Celebrity Apex is a stunning ship. Although I struggled at times with some of the food, overall I had some amazing food, some of the best I’ve had at sea and in some cases some of the best I’ve had ever. The staff was fantastic and I really felt like people were well trained and were concerned about my health and well being. I wouldn’t hesitate to sail Celebrity again, in fact, we have our next cruise booked! 🙂

A Great Resource For Gluten Free Cruisers…

Cruising Gluten Free is a great resource for gluten free cruising. Lots of helpful members that can answer questions and help.

What Else?

Let’s make this the best guide for cruising gluten free on Celebrity Cruises!  Leave a comment on this post with your tips, tricks and experiences.

About me: I have Celiac Disease and as such I must eat a strictly gluten free diet. Not by choice but by medical necessity.

This write up will focus primarily on the food and service we experienced not so much the ship itself or the ports we visited.  However, I would like to briefly say that The Allure of the Seas is beautiful.  It’s a massive ship (one of the largest in the world), modern, very well maintained and offers diverse dining and entertainment options.  Even though the ship accommodates 5,000 or 6,000, we very rarely felt cramped.  There is ample room to move around and it was always easy to find a lounging chair.  We’ve taken a good number of cruises, although this was our first Royal Caribbean cruise.  We were very, very impressed.  Overall, this was our best cruise experience ever.  On to the food…


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This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. top:ccgf tag:tpr

Hands on Review: GigSky World Mobile Data eSIM – works on cruise ships!

First… What’s a SIM Card?

SIM is an acronym stands for Subscriber Identity Module. It’s small card that fits in select phones that’s basically the digital identification for the phone. You can theoretically quickly change phones by swapping out your physical SIM card.

What’s an eSIM Card?

Fast forward to eSIM cards. eSIM stands for Embedded Subscriber Identity Module.  Instead of a physical SIM card an eSIM is a logical identity for select phones. No need for a physical SIM card.

The part where the magic comes in… Some phones also allow you to have multiple eSIM cards. So you can actually have multiple phone numbers on a single phone.

If you’re an avid reader you’ll have read my Airalo review. Airalo is an an app that allows international cell phone use throughout the world via their app and eSIM cards.

GigSky is in international coverage eSIM provider with a twist… keep reading.

Coupon Code!

Use coupon code cruisepacklist to save when you buy a GigSky eSIM package!

What makes GigSky revolutionary for cruise travelers?…

Most larger cruise ships have cellular capabilities. Ships have the equivalent of their own cell phone towers that provide service to people onboard and nearby. This is separate and different from Wi-Fi.  See Wil my phone work onboard? for more on this subject

Cruise ships are considered countries when it comes to coverage from your cell phone company. If you look under international coverage at your carrier you’ll often time see cruise ship names listed in the mix.

Here’s the thing… to my knowledge no carrier provides favorable rates or packaged data deals for ANY cruise ship. Beyond that no eSIM provider (again to my knowledge) provides coverage on a cruise ship.

GigSky…. DOES offer coverage on over 200 cruise ships!  That’s along with coverage in many foreign countries.

This means you can access the internet on ships in their network as part of their reasonable eSIM data bundles! They also offer tethering so you can use purchased data on your laptop with the aid of a compatible smart phone.

A compatible phone is required.

If you’re a light to moderate internet user when cruising a GigSky eSIM could save you a substantial amount of money compared to onboard internet. I’ll be trying this out on our next cruise. Some questions I’m going to get answered are what is the coverage like onboard and what internet speeds can we expect.

Coupon Code!

Use coupon code cruisepacklist to save when you buy a GigSky eSIM package!

Hands on Review GigSky World Mobile Data!

The first step to getting going with GigSky is to install the app on your iPhone or Android and purchase a plan. If you’re planning to use GigSky on a cruise make sure to choose a Cruise+ plan that fits your needs.

GigSky Smartphone Apps

Tip: your plan becomes active as soon as you activate your eSIM in a covered country. Since my plan included the US GigSky nicely reminded me that my 15 days would start right away when I activated the card. Wait until just before your trip to activate your eSIM.

I tapped continue to activate my eSIM


After installing the eSIM this is how my Cellular settings looked. Verizon is my primary US carrier. I can toggle additional carriers on and off. The Curacao and Aruba eSIMs are from my Airalo Review.

Using GigSky onboard a Cruise Ship!

Once onboard I activated the GigSky eSIM card in Cellular Settings. It’s very important that you disable your primary US carrier when you do this. If you don’t you could incur extra charges. See: Using Your Cell Phone Onboard with WiFi Calling for more about that.

Coverage onboard Celebrity Ascent

At times it took a few minutes to get GigSky coverage onboard. I’m going to theorize how this all works so if that sounds boring, just keep reading. Modern cruise ships have many WiFi access points. I can confidently say hundreds, potentially thousands of access points. Those constantly serve a WiFi signal. My theory is that these access points also have cell phone capabilities. They each can act as a mini cell phone tower. But cell phone use is much less common. What I think happens is that these access points periodically start the cell phone signal to see if any clients are looking for a signal. If one is, the cell phone signal stays on as long as it’s needed. That way, they ship isn’t one massive cell phone tower consuming energy and whatever else a cell phone signal does. It’s only on in select areas as needed. Again, a theory.

Yes… you can tether your laptop with GigSky!

GigSky allows you to use personal hotspot to tether your laptop and other devices to your GigSky connection! I just enabled Personal Hotspot on my iPhone and connected my laptop.

Connecting on the laptop

And whammo, I can get to one of my favorite websites. Take a second to realize what’s happening here… I am accessing the Internet onboard a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean with zero cost for WiFi from the cruise ship. This is amazing!

Speed Testing GigSky on a cruise ship

First a look at Celebrity’s WiFi. Celebrity and Royal Caribbean both use SpaceX Starlink to power their WiFi networks. Everyone raves about SpaceX and it is revolutionary. But here’s a fact… When you buy a WiFi package you’re subject to a bandwidth cap. I had the premium WiFi and that pretty regularly came in under 5 megabits per second. Here it’s showing 4.77 megabits per second.

This is a test tethered to my iPhone using the GigSky connection. I got… 10.61 megabits per second well over double what I got with the Starlink connection! That’s amazing.

Using GigSky vs Cruise Line WiFi

If you’re a light to moderate Internet user onboard, GigSky is a great option and could potentially save you a lot of money. If you’re a heavy user that needs to do a lot of video conferencing or streaming cruise ship WiFi may be a better option.

As of this option GigSky offers plans up to 30 days in length so could easily use one plan on back to back cruises.

Speed Testing in the Dominican Republic

GigSky World Data provides… world data, so it works in many foreign countries as well. This is based on which plan you choose. I chose Cruise+ Americas/Caribbean.

As of this writing the following countries are included in that plan (subject to change, check GigSky for current plans)…

  • Anguilla
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Argentina
  • Aruba
  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Belize
  • Bermuda
  • Bolivia
  • Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba
  • Brazil
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Canada
  • Cayman Islands
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Curaçao
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • French Guiana
  • Grenada
  • Guadeloupe
  • Guatemala
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Jamaica
  • Martinique
  • Mexico
  • Montserrat
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Puerto Rico
  • Saint Barthélemy
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Martin
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Sint Maarten
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Turks and Caicos Islands
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • United States of America
  • Uruguay

All that to say, I had GigSky coverage on all of our ports for this particular cruise.

Here’s a speed test in Puerto Plato Dominican Republic. 53.8 megabits download speed. That’s pretty good!

As a backup for your primary provider

As of  this writing my current primary cell phone plan is Verizon’s MyPlan Unlimited Ultimate. That plan includes international talk, text and data is 210+ countries. The list includes St Martin.

This screenshot was taken while I was in St Martin a country that is included in my Verizon plan and a country that should have coverage. I had no data coverage at all with my Verizon plan. I was supposed to, but I didn’t. That’s just how things work sometimes.

If international coverage is important to you, my recommendation is to have a backup eSIM plan. In my case, I just switched over to GigSky and I was up and going. We are planning to go to Europe this summer where Internet will be a necessity for walking directions and such. I’ll have a backup eSIM plan at the ready.


I am no stranger to eSIM plans. I’ve used multiple providers over the course of years. They are very helpful when it comes to international travel, giving you the capability to communicate at generally reasonable prices. GigSky takes this all to a whole new level by adding cruise ships to the mix. Using GigSky vs actually using a cruise ship cell connection could save you thousands of dollars. Using GigSky vs purchasing a Wi-Fi package could save you a considerable amount of money as well.  Simply put… GigSky is revolutionary.

Use coupon code cruisepacklist to save when you buy a GigSky eSIM package!

Smartphone Apps

FREE Trial

GigSky also offers a free 100 MB plan so you can try out their services! Note that the free trial plans does not include cruise ship coverage. However, it’s a great chance to see how GigSky works and especially helpful if you’ve never used an eSIM plan on your phone.

Related: Hands on Review Airalo eSIM

Related: Using Your Cell Phone Onboard with WiFi Calling!

wifi calling and cruise shipsMy iPhone with Royal Caribbean Adventure of the Seas Royal Promenade int eh Background. See “VZW Wi-Fi”

Related: Waterproof Phone Case

Pelican Marine - IP68 Waterproof Phone Pouch / Case (Regular Size) - Floating Waterproof Phone Case For iPhone 15 Pro Max/ 14 Pro Max/13 Pro Max/12/S24 Ultra - Detachable Lanyard - Black/Hi-Vis Yellow Related: Pelican’s IP68 Waterproof Phone Case – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Setting Up Your Own Wireless WiFi Hotspot on Your Next Cruise!

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. top:gigskyreview tag:tpr

Cruise Hack… Getting an elevator on debarkation day

If you’re reading my site you’ll probably agree… cruises are amazing. From the great accommodations to the amazing food to the wonderful ports of call to the outstanding service.  Amazing!

Probably one of the least amazing things about a cruise is… the end! The dreaded debarkation day. Not only is the cruise over but you’ve probably got a full day of travel ahead of you. And along with all that a decent amount of hassle. My experience is that on debarkation day the ship changes personalities. It and every staff member in it are doing all they can do to get you off the ship. Doors will be closed, stanchions will block things off things just change.

Once you’ve had your coffee, your last breakfast on board and gotten all packed up to leave one big hurdle is… getting an elevator. Thousands of people are leaving all around the same time. Lots of luggage and people mean that elevator space is at a premium. I’ve got three tips to help you make this as easy as possible.

#1 Don’t take the elevator

If you’re able bodied and can easily carry your backpack or carry on… just walk down the steps. Walking down is super easy and usually pretty quick even if you’re on a high deck.

#2 Split up

If you need to take the elevator because you have luggage or can’t easily go down the stairs, consider splitting up. Send one or more people with the luggage with the rest of your party down the stairs

#3 This is the best tip

This tip has the real magic in it and I actually am hesitating to share it with you because I want it to continuing working for me :)…. Take ANY elevator. You want to go down, right? Don’t get hung up on that. Down elevators are going to generally be full. Up elevators are generally empty. Press both the down and up elevator buttons and take the first one you get into. When the elevator hits the top call floor, go ahead and hit the button for the lower deck you want to go to. This trick is like magic and has worked time and time again.

Finally… A General Elevator Tip

I’ve noticed that the some elevator banks or more busy than others. For example on Royal Ships the aft elevators tend to be busier than the forward elevators. The aft elevators are where most of the food is and get a lot more action than the forward elevators. When it comes to debarkation day it may be worth it to head to the generally less busy elevators even if they aren’t the closest.

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

Morning Cruise Coffee Runs?? Pack a Drink Carrier!

Also: Setting up a WiFi Hotspot on your Next Cruise!

Setting Up Your Own Wireless WiFi Hotspot on Your Next Cruise!

Also: Hands on Review: Airalo e-SIM – use your phone internationally!

Hands on Review: Airalo e-SIM – use your phone internationally!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. 12.13.24 top:elevatorhack tag:tpr

Royal Caribbean Diamond Drink Hacks!

Free drink vouchers are a massive perk of Royal Caribbean’s Crown and Anchor loyalty program. The drink vouchers are valid on most alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks up to a certain dollar amount. As of this writing people who’ve achieved the Diamond level get 4 free drinks daily, Diamond Plus members get 5 free drinks and Pinnacle members get 6 free drinks.

We have sailed on Royal quite a bit and have achieved the Diamond Plus level. We’re working our way to Pinnacle.

Since getting to these levels we’ve been able to skip any drink package and greatly cut down our alcohol bill. Between the two bottles of wine we can bring on, the free bottle of wine we’ve chosen as our Diamond Plus amenity and the free drink vouchers we’ll typically only need to purchase a few drinks. These perks have saved us thousands of dollars.

One of the articles I had meant to write was a trick that we’ve used to stretch these drinks out.

4, 5 or 6 drinks may be easy to consume on a sea day, but not so much after being at an all inclusive beach club for hours. The vouchers expire each day so they don’t roll forward. What we had done was swing by a bar at the end of each night and ask for unopened drinks for any unused vouchers. We’d then put those in our stateroom refrigerator (pic above) and consume as desired.

The problem with that is…. apparently Royal is starting to crack down on that hack. They are requiring bartenders to open drinks when they are served. Reports have differed, but enough have said this is happening to make me think it’s a new policy change. Bummer.

Update: Although nothing 100% official there have been continued reports of this policy and interaction with Michael Bayley’s office on Facebook has confirmed that this is an across the fleet procedure change:

“Thank you for contacting the Executive Office of Royal Caribbean International. Mr. Bayley has received your email and I am pleased to respond,” Bell-Floyd said.

“Thank you for your loyalty to Royal. Please know that our beverage policies are in place to ensure that all guests are able to enjoy their drinks safely and responsibly. Recently, we have updated this policy to include the following: Any canned or bottled alcoholic beverages ordered at our bars must be opened before leaving the venue.”

So, it seems this isn’t limited to Diamond Drinks in particular but it probably strikes people who are used to doing this the hardest.

I think there are still some pretty good ways to accomplish the same thing. Here are some ideas…

Bottled Beer

Wine Stoppers, Food-safe Silicone Bottle Stoppers, Expanding Manual Beverage Stopper, Reusable Wine Bottle Corks, Creates Airtight Seal, Assorted Colors 4 Pack (Assorted)

Get bottled beers and use a beverage stopper to seal them up right away

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Canned Beer

Jokari’s Fizz Keepers fit on standard 12 and 16 oz sized cans. They snap tight to keep pressure (and carbonation) in AND they feature a pump to add additional carbonation. Order your favorite beers from a bar tender and then put these little gadgets on to preserve the drink. Note that these do not work with smaller seltzer style cans.

Hard Liquor

Stanley Legendary Classic Pre-Party Liquor and Spirit Flask

Order shots and put them in a flask. When you’re ready for a drink mix with fruit juice or soda to make your own mixed drink.


Order glasses of wine and put them in a foldable Wine2Go Pouch. Purge the air before sealing to reduce oxygenation.

Related: Grab Collapsible Funnels

If you’re wanting to transfer wine or liquor for future using, considering grabbing some collapsible funnels to make it easy.


Royal Caribbean should have no issues with these work arounds. After you receive your open drink it’s really up to you how and when you consume it. These techniques will allow you to make the most out of Diamond drink vouchers and save you some money.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

Also: Setting up a WiFi Hotspot on your Next Cruise!

Setting Up Your Own Wireless WiFi Hotspot on Your Next Cruise!

Also: Hands on Review: Airalo e-SIM – use your phone internationally!

Hands on Review: Airalo e-SIM – use your phone internationally!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. 12.10.24 top:diamondrinks tag:tpr

Problem Solved… MagSafe Wallet for Your Ship Card!

One thing you always need when you’re on a cruise ship is your… ship card. It functions are your room key, allows you to pay for things, lets you access drink packages, lets you access reservations, acts as an ID of sorts, gets you back on the ship and more.

Beyond your ship card, while you’re walking around onboard, you may not need a whole lot more. Maybe a cell phone.  So, how do you keep track of your card and the few things you may want to carry?

A Lanyard is one option and works for some people. Personally I don’t want anything extra around my neck and I’d like the ability to carry a couple more things (maybe some cash) without having to dig in the lanyard.

Another option is a Phone Card Holder. That allows you to keep your ship card right with your phone. This is a big improvement, in my book, everything in one place, compact and easy to keep track of. But, these are adhesive based and need to be semi-permanently installed on a phone or phone case. My solution up until now was to keep an extra phone case with a phone holder installed for use while cruising.

How about… a MagSafe wallet?  These work with compatible iOS devices and compatible Android devices (with the help of a case). They can be easily affixed (and removed) as needed. Whammo!

Here’s a look at these MagSafe wallets for using on a cruise.

This article may contain affiliate links. We may make a small percentage if you use our links to make a purchase. You won’t pay more and you’ll be supporting Cruise Packing List and more content like this. Thank you for your support!

Check Current Price and Availability:

[2 Pack] Magnetic Card Holder Wallet for iPhone 15/14/13/12 Series with Magsafe, Leather Wallet for iPhone 15 14 Pro Max Plus Model, Mag-Safe Wallet for iPhone 13 12 Pro Max Mini Model  – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Shop around – search Amazon for “MagSafe Wallet”

Android user? An add on case or ring is generally required to make MagSafe Accessories work.  See section on Android toward the end of this article for more information.

If you don’t have a MagSafe capable phone, consider… COCASES Phone Card Holder

A look in the package. I bought a two pack.

For size reference next to a bottle of Sun Bum sunscreen (my standard size reference item on Cruise Packing List)

Onboard Royal Caribbean’s Odyssey of the Seas

Onboard Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas

This stays on securely but comes off when you’re done using it or want easier access to contents


This is a cheap fix to the question.. where should I put my cruise card? It provides a secure location to keep your card and a little bit of cash so that it’s not floating around who knows where.

Credit for the original idea (the stick on card holder) goes to Emma of Emma cruises. She came up with the original “put your card with your phone” idea. Thanks Emma!  If you have a MagSafe capable phone or phone case, I think this is a great upgrade to the stick on holder.

I’ve used this on multiple cruises and it’s worked well. It’s now a must pack item for me!

Check Current Price and Availability:

[2 Pack] Magnetic Card Holder Wallet for iPhone 15/14/13/12 Series with Magsafe, Leather Wallet for iPhone 15 14 Pro Max Plus Model, Mag-Safe Wallet for iPhone 13 12 Pro Max Mini Model  – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

If you don’t have a MagSafe capable phone, consider… COCASES Phone Card Holder

Does MagSafe work with Android phones?

The technology the allows magnetic accessories to work is Qi wireless charging. Newer iPhone and Android phones often times have this technology built in. MagSafe is a registered Apple trademark. As such you’re probably not going to see an Android marketed as having MagSafe.

The Android implementation of Qi wireless charging is a little bit different than iPhone. The result is that the magnet can be weaker. A solution to this is to get a MagSafe compatible ring sticker or case. This helps to increase magnetic strength.

See: How to Add MagSafe to Android for some more information

MagSafe capable iPhones do not need these add ons.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

Related: Using Your Cell Phone Onboard with WiFi Calling!

wifi calling and cruise shipsMy iPhone with Royal Caribbean Adventure of the Seas Royal Promenade int eh Background. See “VZW Wi-Fi”

Related: FREE… Royal Caribbean Perfect Day at CocoCay Phone Wallpaper

Related: Setting up a WiFi Hotspot on your Next Cruise!

Setting Up Your Own Wireless WiFi Hotspot on Your Next Cruise!

Related: Hands on Review: Airalo e-SIM – use your phone internationally!

Hands on Review: Airalo e-SIM – use your phone internationally!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. 6.18.24 top:magsafe tag:tpr

Hands on Review: Cotopaxi Cado Accessory Bag

I’m definitely a bag lover. What can I say… they’re my bag. :). I’ve owned dozens of backpacks from a variety of manufacturers from cheap to higher end. Add duffels, packing cubes and toiletry bags to the list and the list is even larger.

I became a big fan of cotopaxi when I first found them on Indiegogo. They were raising money to go into production and I liked what they were saying. I backed the project and got their Allpa travel pack. When I got it… I loved it. High quality loads of thoughtful features and a unique colorful design that I hadn’t seen in any other pack at the time.

Since I’ve picked up many cotopaxi packs, bags, packing cubes and accessories. Here’s a look at the cado accessory bag.

But first… Del Dia vs Cada Dia?

Del Dia is Spanish and translates to “of the day”. When it comes to cotopaxi gear Del Dia means… you’re going to get what the maker made. There’s not telling what it will look like. With different panels, zips and such there are many, many combinations. Each piece of gear is a one of a kind.

From cotopaxi: The Del Día Collection 100% leftover fabric. Uniquely yours.
Thanks to leftover deadstock fabric, each Del Día bag is one of one—no two are alike. This helps keep good material out of the landfill and puts it into the hands of thoughtful adventurers like you.

Explore cotopaxi’s Del Dia Collection

Cada Dia is also Spanish and translates to “each day”. When it comes to cotopaxi gear Cada Dia means… you’ll get a predesigned bag. These are designs that are available every day and you’ll know what you’re getting.

Explore cotopaxi’s Cada Dia Collection

Check Current Price and Availability:

This article may contain affiliate links. We may make a small percentage if you use our links to make a purchase. You won’t pay more and you’ll be supporting Cruise Packing List and more content like this. Thank you for your support!

Hands on Review cotopaxi Cado accessory bag

A look at the tag

The back side of the bag. As you can see this is a one of a kind Del Dia design. UPC is 840125645126

Front of the bag with the cotopaxi llama

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Back of the bag

This bag has a main middle compartment with zippered side pockets on either side

A look in one of the side pockets/compartments. This one has three pouches for storing and organizing smaller items

A look in the other side pocket/compartment. This one has a zippered pouch inside of it. Inside you’ll see a Leatherman Micra for size reference. This is something I keep in my Dopp bag and find it very useful.

A look at one of the zippers and zipper pulls. I’ve always found cotopaxi zippers to be of excellent quality. I love the inclusion of the zipper pulls and also love the variety of colors on the zippers and pulls

A look at the side handle. Easy grab and go.

Top down look at the side handle


I’ve used a lot of cotopaxi gear in general and I can… highly recommend it to you. High quality materials and construction, thoughtful and innovative design and eye catching looks.

As far as the nido in particular…. it’s a great toiletry/dopp bag. It’s become my go-to for travel. It’s a great bag that has plenty of room for most trips and plenty of spots for storage and organization. For longer trips, I’ll add another smaller cotopaxi dopp bag which unfortunately has been discontinued. I’m a big fan of the nido and can highly recommend it to you.

Check Current Price and Availability:

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All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. tag:magnets tag:tpr

Hands on Review: Top Magnets Heavy Duty Magnetic Hooks… These actually hold something!

Magnetic Hooks = Must Have for Cruising

There are a few items that can really help to organize your cabin for a more enjoyable vacation. Since cabin walls are made of generally made of metal. Magnetic hooks will attach to walls and ceilings for organization.

We’ve used a number of magnetic hook designs in our years cruising. These are the ones we’ve been using recently. They’re dandy magnetic hooks. I would venture a guess that they’re very similar to what most people use.

The thing is they leave something to be desired as far as capacity. The stated capacity is 30 lbs which would be fantastic, but… in our experience, it’s no where near realistic. Not sure where manufacturers are getting these ratings… maybe the vacuum of space?? 🙂 but they aren’t realistic in our experience.

I went looking for something more beefy and landed on these. Here’s a hands on look.

Hands on Review Top Magnetics Heavy Duty Magnetic Hooks

In the box. We got the three pack. As of this posting 3, 4 and 6 pack options are available. Compared to the average hook magnets that we’ve seen people use for cruising… these are monsters. They are chunky (but still small and easy to pack) and have a much higher holding capacity.

Check Current Price and Availability, Review Continues Below:

Camping Essentials, Cruise Essentials Must Haves, Strong Magnetic Hooks, 150Lb Magnets with Hooks, Magnetic Hooks Heavy Duty for Grill, Cruise Ship, Garage, Hanging – 3Pcs – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

A look at a single magnet

For size reference next to a bottle of Sun Bum sunscreen (my standard size reference item on Cruise Packing List)

For size comparison next more of a standard sized magnetic hook – DIYMAG Magnetic Hooks. Of course, the DIYMAG is on the bottom the Top Magnets is on the top.

The two magnets side by side

Here’s the Top Magnets Magnetic hook with our HOXIS Mesh Tote Beach Bag hanging on it. The bag is empty and it’s working great.

Related: Hands on Review: HOXIS Mesh Beach Bag

This is the beach bag holding strong with three cans soup cans in it. Nice!

Close up of the cans. It was chili night.
In comparison this is a DIYMAG Magnetic Hook with a single can in it. One single can made it unstable. This has been our experience with smaller magnetic hooks. They don’t hold much weight. They’re still very helpful, but they just won’t hold anything of substance.

Here’s the Top Magnet Magnetic Hook with the bag + 3 lb weight. I’d say we’re looking at a maximum weight on this surface of 3 1/2 to 4 lbs. In both cases (the smaller DIYMAG Magnetic Hooks and the Top Magnets Hooks) , the capacity of these hooks is overstated. Giving manufacturers the benefit of the doubt, they may do their testing in perfect conditions. The big difference is the Top Magnets Magnetic Hooks can actually hold some weight!

Trial… onboard Celebrity Ascent

Here are some photos and commentary from a cruise we took on the beautiful Celebrity Ascent.

On the cabin wall

Compared to the smaller style we’ve used

Holding our HOXIS Mesh Tote Beach Bag with some stuff in it.

Holding one piece of clothing

Holding two pieces of clothing

By our coach.. holding a bunch of stuff.

Holding a bunch of stuff

Holding my packable back pack with nearly everything I’ll need for a day at the beach.


In my opinion magnetic hooks are on the must haves list for cabin organization. These heavy duty magnets are a huge upgrade compared to what we’ve been using. And I’m guessing compared to most of the magnetic hooks that are used by cruisers. These are fantastic. Practically speaking we’ll take these and a handful of the smaller ones we already have.

What are Other’s Saying?   Search this product’s Amazon reviews for “cruise” – may include reviews for other sizes or variations

Camping Essentials, Cruise Essentials Must Haves, Strong Magnetic Hooks, 150Lb Magnets with Hooks, Magnetic Hooks Heavy Duty for Grill, Cruise Ship, Garage, Hanging – 3Pcs – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link


DIYMAG Magnetic Hooks, 30Lbs Strong Heavy Duty Cruise Magnet S-Hooks for Classroom, Fridge, Workplace and Office etc, Screw in Hooks, 6 Pack-Silver – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

What are Other’s Saying?   Search this product’s Amazon reviews for “cruise” – may include reviews for other sizes or variations

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

Stock Images

Camping Essentials, Cruise Essentials Must Haves, Strong Magnetic Hooks, 150Lb Magnets with Hooks, Magnetic Hooks Heavy Duty for Grill, Cruise Ship, Garage, Hanging - 3Pcs

Camping Essentials, Cruise Essentials Must Haves, Strong Magnetic Hooks, 150Lb Magnets with Hooks, Magnetic Hooks Heavy Duty for Grill, Cruise Ship, Garage, Hanging - 3Pcs

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. tag:magnets tag:tpr

New Updates… Royal Caribbean Bans Multi-Plug Adapters and Extension Cords – Royal has provided additional clarification

Original Publication: September 23, 2024

Updated: October 7, 2024

With their most reason banned items list Royal Caribbean has added multi-plug adapters and extension cords to the items you cannot bring on board. Full list link below.

As a frequent Royal Caribbean cruiser this… rocks my world. I regularly bring one or more multi plug adapters when I cruise.

I’ve been a big advocate of using the 220 European Type C adapter on board this change makes that even more important. It allows you to squeeze out another adapter. This used to be more important on older ships and less important on newer ships but… This changes all that. With multi-plug adapters being banned a Type C adapter makes more sense than ever.

A few other thoughts…

  • The way I read it multi USB outlet blocks are NOT banned. Since a lot of the gear we take on board is USB this could be a good work around.
  • As stated previously using the 220 European style outlet is more important than ever.
  • A USB charging bank is another potential way to decrease the impact of this change. Charge during the day, unplug at night to free up an outlet and use the battery bank to charge USB devices.

Update 9/30/2024:

@NiceCarFather reached out to Royal Caribbean on X (connect to cruise packing list on x) to ask if a plug + USB outlets would be allowed. It looks like he references this Anker Travel Plug in the back and forth. The Royal Caribbean rep surprisingly (at least to me!) says that this would not be allowed because it has an outlet and additional USB ports. Earlier in the conversation he says a multi USB block is allowed.

So, at this point my understanding is that if an adapter has an AC outlet, that’s all that’s allowed. One single AC outlet. An adapter can have multiple USB ports as long as no AC outlet is present.

Update 10/7/2024:

Royal has updated their prohibited items policy to include some additional clarification. As of today this section reads:

Electrical Extension Cords – including power strips/surge protected strips and multi-plug outlets.
We do allow consumer type power conversion device USB charger (multi-plug blocks on which the outputs are for USB cables). Note: Devices must be stamped with US/Europe recognized Conformance Marking to demonstrate compliance with Electrical Safety standards.

So, there previous communication on social media seems to be correct. If it has an AC outlet, that’s all it can have a single AC outlet. Multi outlet USB only charger blocks are allowed.

Some options to consider:

These are affiliate links, note that multiple variations of these products may be available, as such a different version may appear at these links

Also: What items are prohibited onboard a Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship?

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

Related: Hands on Review: European Type C Fast USB Charger by LiFiYiRc… Use the 220 Outlet on Your Next Cruise!

Related… Hands on Review: TESSAN International Power Plug with USB

Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. 9.23.24 top:rcmultiplug tag:tpru

Hands on Review: European Type C Adapter USB+Night Light – Use the 220 Outlet on Your Next Cruise

Many cruise cabins have a common problem… lack of outlets. This has generally gotten better with newer ships, but can still be an issue. Even newer ships that have more cabin outlets, the outlets can be placed in such a way as to limit their usability. If two outlets are too close together… you can only use one.

To accommodate European travelers cruise lines will often include one or more 220 volt outlets. If you’re used to using three prong 120 volt electronics this outlet will most likely go unused.

One way to stretch out the outlets on your next cruise is to… use the 220 volt outlet.

There are a number of different devices and options available to do that.

Here’s a hands on look at a European type c night light and USB charger block combo

Check Current Price and Availability:

EU 2-pin Plug – Portable Plug-in 0.7W Travel LED Night Light with USB Wall Charger – 2 Pack of White – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

A top down look

A look at the USB port. It features one type A USB. This is good clarification because the type C in question here is European outlet type c adapter not USB-c.

Related: All About Night Lights from Your Next Cruise

For size reference next to a bottle of Sun Bum sunscreen (my standard size reference item on Cruise Packing List)

Here’s the adapter on Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas.

Will this be banned on Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises?

Royal announced that multi-plug adapters are banned

My current understanding of that rule is that multi-USB charging blocks are allowed. But anything that has an AC outlet on it must have only an AC outlet and nothing else.

This features no AC outlets so my interpretation is that this would be allowed.

Plugged in and working!

Front view


These are small and cheap and a great way to use an otherwise unused outlet and pull double duty while you’re doing it. In my opinion some sort of European type c adapter should be on everyone’s cruise must pack list.

Check Current Price and Availability:

EU 2-pin Plug – Portable Plug-in 0.7W Travel LED Night Light with USB Wall Charger – 2 Pack of White – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

Related: All About Night Lights from Your Next Cruise

All About Night Lights for Your Next Cruise!

Related: Hands on Review: TESSAN International Power Plug with USB

Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. tag:eucusbnightlight tag:tpr

New Updates… Royal Caribbean Bans Multi-Plug Adapters and Extension Cords!

September 23, 2024

With their most reason banned items list Royal Caribbean has added multi-plug adapters and extension cords to the items you cannot bring on board. Full list link below.

As a frequent Royal Caribbean cruiser this… rocks my world. I regularly bring one or more multi plug adapters when I cruise.

I’ve been a big advocate of using the 220 European Type C adapter on board this change makes that even more important. It allows you to squeeze out another adapter. This used to be more important on older ships and less important on newer ships but… This changes all that. With multi-plug adapters being banned a Type C adapter makes more sense than ever.

A few other thoughts…

  • The way I read it multi USB outlet blocks are NOT banned. Since a lot of the gear we take on board is USB this could be a good work around.
  • As stated previously using the 220 European style outlet is more important than ever.
  • A USB charging bank is another potential way to decrease the impact of this change. Charge during the day, unplug at night to free up an outlet and use the battery bank to charge USB devices.

Update 9/30/2024:

@NiceCarFather reached out to Royal Caribbean on X (connect to cruise packing list on x) to ask if a plug + USB outlets would be allowed. It looks like he references this Anker Travel Plug in the back and forth. The Royal Caribbean rep surprisingly (at least to me!) says that this would not be allowed because it has an outlet and additional USB ports. Earlier in the conversation he says a multi USB block is allowed.

So, at this point my understanding is that if an adapter has an AC outlet, that’s all that’s allowed. One single AC outlet. An adapter can have multiple USB ports as long as no AC outlet is present.


These are affiliate links, note that multiple variations of these products may be available, as such a different version may appear at these links

Also: What items are prohibited onboard a Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship?

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

Related: Hands on Review: European Type C Fast USB Charger by LiFiYiRc… Use the 220 Outlet on Your Next Cruise!

Related… Hands on Review: TESSAN International Power Plug with USB

Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. 9.23.24 top:rcmultiplug tag:tpru

Hands on Review: European Type C Fast USB Charger by LiFiYiRc… Use the 220 Outlet on Your Next Cruise!

Many cruise cabins have a common problem… lack of outlets. This has generally gotten better with newer ships, but can still be an issue. Even newer ships that have more cabin outlets, the outlets can be placed in such a way as to limit their usability. If two outlets are too close together… you can only use one.

To accommodate European travelers cruise lines will often include one or more 220 volt outlets. If you’re used to using three prong 120 volt electronics this outlet will most likely go unused.

One way to stretch out the outlets on your next cruise is to… use the 220 volt outlet.

This is a hands on look at the LiFiYiRc European Type C Mult Port Charging Block PD20W

This will allow you to make use of a European Type C outlet on your next cruise! Because it’s a USB charger there’s no need to check for AC 220/240 compatibility. That’s a requirement for many of the adapters featured on CPL. For lots more about this see: Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

Check Current Price & Availability:

European USB C Charger Block, PD20W QC3.0 Fast Charging Multi Ports, 2 USB C 3 USB A Europe Plug Compatible for iPhone 15 14 13 12 11 Pro Max XS XR X SE Plus, Samsung S22 S21 A13, Phones  – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Attention Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises:

Although this was reviewed in part on Royal ships it probably wouldn’t currently be allowed.

See Royal Caribbean Bans Multi-Plug Adapters and Extension Cords for more information and some alternatives


Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

This article may contain affiliate links. We may make a small percentage if you use our links to make a purchase. You won’t pay more and you’ll be supporting Cruise Packing List and more content like this. Thank you for your support!

In the box. It reads 3USB+2PD, 65w Fast Charger, Type-C Charger, Model:F002, Input AC 100-240V 50/60Hz 0.5A, Output: 5V/7.2A, 9V/4.0A, 12V/3.0A Made in China

Close up of the bottom left front of the box

Back side of the box

For size reference next to a bottle of Sun Bum sunscreen (my standard size reference item on Cruise Packing List)

Hey… here it is on board Royal Caribbean’s Odyssey of the Seas!

A look at the charger

Side view

Closeup shows specifications and product certifications

Laying down

A look at the ports. Unfortunately I had this upside down when I took this photo. Oh well… guess I have to go back on Odyssey! 🙂  If this were right side up the ports would be labeled PD20W, QC3.0, PD15W, 3.1A and 3.1A

Hey look…. these two prongs match the European style outlet on Odyssey!

Plugged in!

Loaded up with cables charging stuff!  The shows two 4 in 1 style USB charging cables. One in USB-A mode and one is USB-C mode (charging my laptop) along with a standard USB-A cable.

This can charge multiple items up to and including compatible laptops. My Dell XPS laptop has a 130 watt charger so this 65 watt charger is under powered although it was able to charge it at a slower rate. I wouldn’t leave the laptop charger at home, but this would work in a pinch.


This is a relatively cheap upgrade that makes cabin life easier. European type C devices have become must-pack items for all our cruises. Utilizing the European style outlet seems like magic. If you don’t have a European type C charger of some sort in your cruise gear, it’s a slam dunk. There are a number of styles to choose from. This is a great choice because of the ubiquity of USB devices and ease of use.

European USB C Charger Block, PD20W QC3.0 Fast Charging Multi Ports, 2 USB C 3 USB A Europe Plug Compatible for iPhone 15 14 13 12 11 Pro Max XS XR X SE Plus, Samsung S22 S21 A13, Phones  – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Also Consider:

What Are Other’s Saying?

Search this product’s Amazon reviews for “cruise” – may include reviews for other sizes or variations

Related… Hands on Review: TESSAN International Power Plug with USB

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

All About Night Lights for Your Next Cruise!

Make sure the components you use are compatible and rated for your intended application.  Contact manufacturer with questions about suitability or a specific application.  Always read and follow manufacturer directions. 9.13.24 review:LiFiYiRc tag:tpr

Royal Caribbean Bans Multi-Plug Adapters and Extension Cords!

Original Publication: September 23, 2024

Updated: October 7, 2024

With their most reason banned items list Royal Caribbean has added multi-plug adapters and extension cords to the items you cannot bring on board. Full list link below.

As a frequent Royal Caribbean cruiser this… rocks my world. I regularly bring one or more multi plug adapters when I cruise.

I’ve been a big advocate of using the 220 European Type C adapter on board this change makes that even more important. It allows you to squeeze out another adapter. This used to be more important on older ships and less important on newer ships but… This changes all that. With multi-plug adapters being banned a Type C adapter makes more sense than ever.

A few other thoughts…

  • The way I read it multi USB outlet blocks are NOT banned. Since a lot of the gear we take on board is USB this could be a good work around.
  • As stated previously using the 220 European style outlet is more important than ever.
  • A USB charging bank is another potential way to decrease the impact of this change. Charge during the day, unplug at night to free up an outlet and use the battery bank to charge USB devices.

Update 9/30/2024:

@NiceCarFather reached out to Royal Caribbean on X (connect to cruise packing list on x) to ask if a plug + USB outlets would be allowed. It looks like he references this Anker Travel Plug in the back and forth. The Royal Caribbean rep surprisingly (at least to me!) says that this would not be allowed because it has an outlet and additional USB ports. Earlier in the conversation he says a multi USB block is allowed.

So, at this point my understanding is that if an adapter has an AC outlet, that’s all that’s allowed. One single AC outlet. An adapter can have multiple USB ports as long as no AC outlet is present.

Update 10/7/2024:

Royal has updated their prohibited items policy to include some additional clarification. As of today this section reads:

Electrical Extension Cords – including power strips/surge protected strips and multi-plug outlets.
We do allow consumer type power conversion device USB charger (multi-plug blocks on which the outputs are for USB cables). Note: Devices must be stamped with US/Europe recognized Conformance Marking to demonstrate compliance with Electrical Safety standards.

So, there previous communication on social media seems to be correct. If it has an AC outlet, that’s all it can have a single AC outlet. Multi outlet USB only charger blocks are allowed.

Some options to consider:

These are affiliate links, note that multiple variations of these products may be available, as such a different version may appear at these links

Also: What items are prohibited onboard a Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship?

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

Related: Hands on Review: European Type C Fast USB Charger by LiFiYiRc… Use the 220 Outlet on Your Next Cruise!

Related… Hands on Review: TESSAN International Power Plug with USB

Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. 9.23.24 top:rcmultiplug tag:tpr

The Smartest Watch for Your Next Cruise?

Casio Men's Classic W800H-1AV Sport Watch with Black Resin BandPictured: Casio Men’s Classic W800H-1AV Sport Watch with Black Resin Band

Picture this… you’re on a cruise. Yay!! You dock at some amazing port that you’re excited about. You decide to go shopping, go to the beach or do some other fabulous activity. A few hours into the day you look down at your Apple Watch and you’re like, hey… is this the right time? After all, smart watches are smart, right?  Did your watch change time to the local time zone on it’s own? We’re not sure! So, you decide to ask a local what time it is. Wait, is that the same time zone as ship’s time? If it is the same time zone as ship’s time do they observe daylight savings time?  You think you’ve got it figured out but there’s that gnawing concern in the back of your head… what time is it really?? I don’t want to miss the ship and I don’t want to head back super early and miss port time.

I highly recommend taking along a regular watch on your cruise and anytime you’re in port. By regular I mean just a plain old watch, not a smart watch. We use this one. You don’t have to necessarily wear it if you don’t want to, just set it to ship’s time and throw it in your bag. The regular/non-smart watch part is important to me. Phones and smart watches have a tendency to automatically adjust based on location. I’ve had this happen even when connecting to WiFi, with the phone in airplane mode. Of course, you can change your device’s settings so that it doesn’t auto adjust, but having a simple watch with you is the easiest way to know you have the right time

Another tip for analog watches. Some models have more than one time zone. Each and every cruise I sync all time zones with ship time. That way I don’t have to worry about whether or not I hit the button to display an alternate time zone.

A couple more tips… when exiting the ship, take a picture or screenshot of the all on board time and emergency contact information for the port. Also, when you’re looking for a regular watch, get one that’s waterproof so it’s happy at the beach.

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

Casio Men’s Classic W800H-1AV Sport Watch with Black Resin Band – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

What are Other’s Saying?   Search this product’s Amazon reviews for “cruise” – may include reviews for other sizes or variations

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. 9.20.24 top:smartwatch tag:tpr

Hands on Review: HOXIS Mesh Beach Bag

Prior to a recent cruise we decided to up our beach game bag. We really didn’t have a travel beach bag per se. We we would use whatever we happened to have with us and… sometimes that wasn’t pretty.

When I started looking for a beach tote I had a couple of things in mind.  First, I wanted something compact enough that it didn’t take too much room when it came time to pack. Second, I wanted a mesh bag so sand could easily be removed.

After some searching I landed on the HOXIS Mesh Tote. It fit my two main criteria, looked good and was well priced. We went with gray but it’s available in a number of colors.

In the packaging

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Close up of the tag. The tag reads Material:100% Polyester+Nylon. Washing Instructions: Wash by hand. Do not bleach. Do not tumble dry. Do not iron.Out of the packagingFor size reference next to a bottle of Sun Bum sunscreen (my standard size reference item on Cruise Packing List)A look inside the bag

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Close up of the meshA closer look at the carrying strapPacked with some stuff in our cabin on Royal Caribbean’s Odyssey of the SeasThe bag in action at Cas Abao Beach in Curaçao. Related (more beach pictures):  Hands on Review: Airalo e-SIM – use your phone internationally!Beautiful day at the beachSpotted: This beach tote kept showing up towards the top of search results when I was shopping around. It’s a popular bag. Here’s someone else’s bag sitting in the Solarium on Royal Caribbean’s Odyssey of the Seas.On Eagle Beach in Aruba!I really like the fact that the carrying straps on this tote are flexible enough to tie together to secure the bag.Here we are just off the ship, walking to the beach on CococayHolding three beach towels with room to spare!


This is a great bag that fit out needs exactly. It’s light and compact for easy packing all the while being large enough for and sturdy enough for a beach outing. We’re happy with this purchase and looking forward to taking this on our next beach vacation.

Check Current Pricing, Color Options and Availability:

HOXIS Mesh Beach Tote Shoulder Handbag – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. 1.17.24 tag:hoxisbagreview tag:tpr

Tip: Take a LONG Charging Cable on Your Next Trip

One tip that I give to cruisers (and frequent travelers for that matter) is… take a long phone charging cable. I know that’s in contrast to many of the things I write about. It’s normally… keep things as small as possible to save weight and space. Well, when it comes to charging in hotels, cruise ships and beyond, outlets and USB ports can be placed in out of the way locations. Taking a longer charging cable gives you a lot more flexibility and really doesn’t take up a lot of room.

Pictured: Amazon Basics USB C to USB C Cable, New Nylon USB C Charger Cable (10 feet, Type C 60W(3A) for iPhone 15/15 Pro/15 Plus/15 Pro Max, iPad Mini 6/ Pro 2021, MacBook Pro 2020, Samsung Galaxy S23,Switch

Also: Anker Powerline+ II Lightning Cable (10 ft) MFi Certified Charger Cable, Extra Long iPhone Charging Cord, Compatible with iPhone SE / 11 Pro Max/Xs Max/XR/X / 8/7 / 6S, iPad, and More

Four in One…. 4 in 1 USB C Cable Lightning Cable 10FT 45W Fast Charging Flat Nylon Braided USB C to USB C Charger Cord with Lightning/Type C/USB A Multi Ports for iPhone iPad MacBook Samsung (SHEZI Series)

These are affiliate links. Note that multiple variations of these products may be available, as such a different version may appear at the links.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

Related: Problem Solved… MagSafe Wallet for Your Ship Card!

Related: Using Your Cell Phone Onboard with WiFi Calling!

wifi calling and cruise shipsMy iPhone with Royal Caribbean Adventure of the Seas Royal Promenade int eh Background. See “VZW Wi-Fi”

Related: FREE… Royal Caribbean Perfect Day at CocoCay Phone Wallpaper

Related: Setting up a WiFi Hotspot on your Next Cruise!

Setting Up Your Own Wireless WiFi Hotspot on Your Next Cruise!

Related: Hands on Review: Airalo e-SIM – use your phone internationally!

Hands on Review: Airalo e-SIM – use your phone internationally!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. top:longcable tag:tpr

Easy Communication on Your Next Cruise… Using WiFi Calling

wifi calling and cruise shipsMy iPhone with Royal Caribbean Adventure of the Seas Royal Promenade in the Background. See “VZW Wi-Fi”

Thinking back to our first cruises communicating back home was… brutal.

We had young children and really needed to check in on a regular basis. Options were slim and expensive. Onboard calling was out of the question financially. Onboard internet was horribly slow and expensive, albeit not as bad as ship to shore calls. We did, periodically, race the clock and try to get an email through. Typically we would try to call back home from port. We’d find an internet café or a business offering international calls by the minute and give it a go.

Times have gotten a lot better. Ship internet is much, much, much better and generally reasonably priced. This makes it easier than ever to stay connected when you need to.

Onboard Cellular

Most larger cruise ships have cellular capabilities. Ships have the equivalent of their own cell phone towers that provide service to people onboard and nearby. This is separate and different from Wi-Fi.

These towers are international no matter where the ship is. If you look on your cell phone carriers website for international coverage, many times cruise ships will be listed by names and show up alongside foreign countries.

Related: Use the 220 Outlet on Your Next Cruise

Using Cruise Line Cellular

Using cruise line cellular for voice and data can be VERY expensive. Check with your carrier to be sure, but generally, it’s super expensive to use your cell phone (via cellular) on a cruise ship.

I know of no carrier that includes cruise ships in their international plans or international day plans. Example, Verizon’s TravelPass gets you unlimited international coverage in select countries for as little as $10 per day. That’s not available for cruise ships.

Voice and Data

Because of cost, I recommend against using cruise line for voice and data. It’s just too expensive. An internet package with Wi-Fi calling is much more cost effective. SMS messages are a potential exception to this recommendation. Keep reading for more on that.

Using Texts To Communicate While Onboard

While data and voice rates on cruise ships is generally very expensive, SMS messages are generally much more economical. If you’re looking for a way to communicate while onboard, this is an option. Check with your cellular provider to see how much text messages will cost.

Use Airplane Mode

If you choose to use cruise line cellular for voice and SMS. My recommendation is to ALWAYS turn data roaming off while onboard. Or better yet, use airplane mode.

I use airplane mode while on board and turn WiFI on. This allows me to access the Internet (with a package) and not worry about getting data roaming charges.

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Full Phone Functionality with Wireless Internet… WiFi Calling!

If you purchase an Internet plan you can use many of the features of your phone like web browsing, social media, video and audio calling (Facetime, Skype, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, etc).

There are some activities that don’t work with an Internet only connection – standard voice calls and SMS messages (iMessages do work because they rely on Internet).

You can make standard voice calls and SMS work without a cellular connection by enabling WiFi Calling

With a compatible phone and an internet connection WiFi calling makes your phone think that it has a cell tower. This allows you to place voice calls and send text messages as if you had a regular tower,

I use this and it works REALLY well. I turn airplane mode on and connect to WiFi. Quality is at the mercy of the ship’s internet but in general it has worked great for me.

Again, it’s important to have data roaming turned off. I turn my phone to airplane mode, turn on and connect to WiFi and the phone activates WiFi calling.

My iPhone with stateroom balcony in the background. See the “VZW Wi-Fi” on the top of the screen along with the airplane icon. This says A. my phone is in airplane mode and B. It’s using Verizon WiFi calling. The phone behaves as if it was connected to a tower back home!

Enabling WiFi Calling

More About WiFi Calling from Carriers

Test WiFi Calling Before Leaving Home

One thing to note is that you should activate and test this before you leave home. At least with Verizon, we were unable to activate it with only a WiFi connection. Maybe that’s changed, but it’s best to test it ahead of time anyway.

A way to test this is to activate WiFi calling, turn on airplane mode and connect to WiFi. Try placing a regular call. If the call goes through, WiFi calling is working.

Does WiFi Calling Cost Extra?

Generally speaking WiFi calling is free or counted the same as domestic minutes. But, check with your cell phone carrier to double check availability and pricing.

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Related: FREE… Royal Caribbean Perfect Day at CocoCay Phone Wallpaper

Setting Up Your Own Wireless WiFi Hotspot on Your Next Cruise!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. 5.24.23 top:wificalling tag:tpr

Hands on Review: GL.iNet GL-MT300N-V2 Mango Travel Router!

Travel routers are generally small devices that allow you to create a small Wi-Fi network.

The problem with traditional Wi-Fi routers is that they don’t know how to handle “captive networks”. Captive networks are networks that require you to log in before you can access the internet. Many publicly available WiFi networks are considered captive networks. That includes most hotels and cruise ships.

Travel routers are (or at least should be) designed to handle captive networks. You basically log in to the router through a web browser and then log into the captive network using the router’s settings.

This in an in depth look at the GL.iNet GL-MT300N-V2 Mango Travel Router including setup, speed trials and real world use during travel

Unboxing GL-MT300N-V2 Mango Travel Router

Front of the box – Travel Friendly, Flexible Power Supply, Powerful Hardware, Open Source Platform

Back of the box. This actually has some really useful information on it including 3 steps to setup the router.

Side of the box. VPN (this router can work with VPN services like NordVPN and others), max 300 Mbps Wi-Fi, Compact

Out of the box. This comes with the router, a USB power cable, a network cable (not needed for bridging a Wi-Fi connection) and a getting started guide.

Top down view of the router

Check Current Price, Specs and Availability:

What are Other’s Saying?   Search this product’s Amazon reviews for “cruise” – may include reviews for other sizes or variations

GL.iNet GL-MT300N-V2(Mango) Portable Mini Travel Wireless Pocket VPN WiFi Router – Access Point/Extender/WDS | OpenWrt | 2 x Ethernet Ports | OpenVPN/Wireguard VPN | USB 2.0 | 128MB RAM – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Also, sometimes available as renewed: GL.iNet GL-MT300N-V2(Mango) Portable Mini Travel Wireless Pocket VPN Router – WiFi Router/Access Point/Extender/WDS | OpenWrt | 2 x Ethernet Ports | OpenVPN/Wireguard VPN | USB 2.0 Port (Renewed) – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Size comparison, onboard GL.iNet GL-MT300N-V2(Mango) next to GL.iNet GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX)Hands on Review

Continue reading

Hands on Review: Sailpack Cruise Ship Approved Travel Fan

When looking for a compact travel fan, I can across Sailpak’s USB rechargeable model. It’s about 6″ x 6″, folds flat for easy storage, is USB chargeable (via USB-C and has 5 speeds. Here’s a hands on review of this fan. Includes pictures and videos taken onboard.

In the boxSide of the box. UPC 792671168089, Input 5v/1a, Fan Power 3.5W

Check Current Price and Availability:

Cruise Ship Approved Travel Fan

This article may contain affiliate links. We may make a small percentage if you use our links to make a purchase. You won’t pay more and you’ll be supporting Cruise Packing List and more content like this. Thank you for your support!

A look at the front of the fan. The bottom right button turns the fan on and also has an LED display that shows battery charge levels.Back of the fanClose up of the label on the back of the fanClose up of the bottom of the back of the fan. The left side is a USB-C port for charging. The right side has a label with specifications and such.Sailpack Cruise Ship Approved Travel Fan.  Sailpack says this is approved for cruise ship use as of a certain date. Based on the fact that it’s compact I don’t see any cruise line turning this away however you can double check with your line to make sure if you have any concerns.This fan has a stand that can be folded flat when not in useHere’s the fan running. Keep reading for some videos. You can see the bottom right shows charge %. You need to hold down the power button to turn the fan on and off. That’s a good feature because it means it’s less likely to get turned on by mistake when packed away in a bag. After it’s on a short press changes speed.For size reference next to a bottle of Sun Bum sunscreen

Onboard Trials

Here’s the fan onboard Royal Caribbean’s Odyssey of the SeasThis has a 6 to 10 hour stated battery life. You can also plug it in to extend that. Here is is plugged in to this European Travel Plug Adapter. See: Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise for more information on using this outlet Here it is running onboard

Here’s a video of the fan to give you an idea of how much sound it puts out

By our bedside on Odyssey of the Seas

Running on my night stand


This is a compact easy to use travel fan. It produces a nice breeze and some background noise. Considering the limited availability of outlets the fact that this is rechargeable is a huge plus. This isn’t a huge fan, but I wouldn’t want it to be as I don’t have that kind of room and many lines ban large fans. This purpose built travel fan solution is a great option for cruising and land based travel.

Cruise Ship Approved Travel Fan – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

For lots more about cruise packing including some solutions for the outlet problem check out our complete packing list.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

Make sure the components you use are compatible and rated for your intended application.  Contact manufacturer with questions about suitability or a specific application.  Always read and follow manufacturer directions. top:fanreview tag:tpr

All About Night Lights for Your Next Cruise!

A lot of cruise packing lists, blogs and videos recommend packing a night light for your next cruise vacation and for good reason cabins can get dark at night, especially interior cabins. A night light can help prevent you from bumping into things.

What about the lack of outlets?

One problem to consider is… Traditional night lights take up an outlet. Outlets can be a precious commodity in your cruise ship cabin with some cabins having as little as… 1 outlet. This has generally gotten better with newer ships, but can still be an issue. Even newer ships that have more cabin outlets, the outlets can be placed in such a way as to limit their usability. If two outlets are too close together… you can only use one.

Some options…

Omeet EU 2-pin Plug - Portable Plug-in 0.7W Travel LED Night Light with USB Wall Charger - 2 Pack of White Pictured: Omeet EU 2-pin Plug – Portable Plug-in 0.7W Travel LED Night Light with USB Wall Charger – 2 Pack of White

  • 220v night light. These utilize an often ignored and unused 220v outlet that is present in many cabins.
  • USB night lights – These plug into a USB port. That means no outlet taken up. They could go on a laptop, USB wall charger or power bank.
  • Rechargeable night light. Since they’re rechargeable they don’t take up an outlet after they’ve been charged.

Rechargeable night lights are particularly helpful when it comes to cabin bathrooms. Very often these have 0 usable outlets…

The problem with cruise ship bathrooms at night

A rechargeable night light is also great for one particular trouble spot in your cabin… your cabin bathroom. Some cabin bathrooms are completely dark. Like… completely dark. Also a lot of times the light switch is on on the outside of the bathroom. To avoid being trapped in a small dark box you need to turn on the light before entering and potentially disturb your cabin mate. Also that much light can have a tendency to wake a person up. Okay, so… plug in a night light? Think again, most cabin bathrooms don’t have an outlet. 

An illustration of the dark cruise ship cabin bathroom

This is a video of me going from my bed into the bathroom with no lights on. There’s not much to the video, except for sound as it’s completely black because the room is so dark. The video was taken on Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas in a Jr Suite.

A picture to illustrate. This is the bathroom on Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas with no lights on.

This is the door to the bathroom. As you can see, the light switch is on the outside of the door. That’s the case with most/all cruise ship cabins we’ve been in. So, let’s say you get up in the middle of the night and stumble your way over to this bathroom door. In order to have any amount of light in the bathroom you need to turn on the switch before entering. That means you’ve flooded your cabin with light and potentially woken someone up. Beyond that, when you get in the bathroom you’ll be in a completely lit room and that can make it more difficult to fall back asleep.

This is a video of me going from my bed into the bathroom with this rechargeable night light on. As you can see… this is a MUCH better experience. The video was taken on Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas in a Jr Suite.

This article may contain affiliate links. We may make a small percentage if you use our links to make a purchase. You won’t pay more and you’ll be supporting Cruise Packing List and more content like this. Thank you for your support!

A photo with the night light on. This is a much better experience all around. No fumbling for the switch, no flooding the cabin with light. Just a small amount of always on light .

Related: Hands on Review: Auvon Rechargeable Night Lights

For lots more about cruise packing including some solutions for the outlet problem check out our complete packing list.

This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

Price, promotions and availability can change quickly. Check the product page for current price, description and availability. 7.24.23 top:nightlights tag:tpr

Hands on Review: GL.iNet GL-MT3000 Beryl AX Travel Router!

Travel routers are generally small devices that allow you to create a small Wi-Fi network.

The problem with traditional Wi-Fi routers is that they don’t know how to handle “captive networks”. Captive networks are networks that require you to log in before you can access the internet. Many publicly available WiFi networks are considered captive networks. That includes most hotels and cruise ships.

Travel routers are (or at least should be) designed to handle captive networks. You basically log in to the router through a web browser and then log into the captive network using the router’s settings.

This in an in depth look at the GL.iNet GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX) including setup, speed trials and real world use during travel

Unboxing GL.iNet GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX)

Front of the boxBack of the box

Check Current Pricing:

GL.iNet GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX) Pocket-Sized Wi-Fi 6 Wireless Travel Gigabit Router | WiFi Router | OpenVPN, Wireguard, Connect to Public & Hotel Wi-Fi login Page – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

This article may contain affiliate links. We may make a small percentage if you use our links to make a purchase. You won’t pay more and you’ll be supporting Cruise Packing List and more content like this. Thank you for your support!

Related: Setting Up Your Own Wireless WiFi Hotspot on Your Next Cruise!

Side of the box

A look inside the box. You get the router, a getting started guide, network cable, power cord and international adapters

Quick start guide removed

A look at the included cables and accessories. Network cable, power cord and international converters


Network cable. Since I’ll mostly be using mine with WiFi this isn’t something I’ll generally need.

Power supply. This has a USB-C Connector and then a power block with that accepts international power adapters. You can also power it with any compatible USB charger or, power it directly from a laptop or pc via a USB cable. If you take a look at the power supply specs you’ll see this is a dual voltage device. It accepts 100 to 240v power. That means it can work with 110 volt North American power and 220v to 240v power supplied worldwide.

This is a travel router, so it makes sense that they include multiple international adapter options. So far I’ve used the type c adapter on a cruise ship and the two prong 110 v style. Related: Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

Hands on Review GL.iNet GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX)

Top down view of the router

Back of the router. It features a USB C port (for power), a WAN jack, a LAN jack and USB 3.0 (type A). As mentioned previously, most of the time I’ll be using the repeater function of this router. As such, the only port I’ll use back here is the USB C to plug in power.

Bottom of the router. Most of the identifying information has been redacted. My SSID and key are visible. If we happen to run into each other and you find my network… go for it. 🙂

With both antennas extended

Front of the router, powered on. Notice there’s a small light in the front.

Size comparison next to GL.iNet GL-MT300N-V2(Mango)

For size reference next to a bottle of Sun Bum sunscreen (my standard size reference item on Cruise Packing List)

Setting Up The GL.iNet GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX)

After powering on the device I connected to it via WiFi and then used a web browser to navigate to the admin page. Mine was at

Setting an Admin password

The Internet Screen after logging in the first time. As you can see the device is not connected to the Internet.

I clicked “Repeater” and was presented with this screen. In repeater mode the access point gets internet from another WiFi network. It then shares that connection to other clients.

As you can see I’m connected to the internet now. I have my own little network. The name of my host Wi-Fi network has been redacted in this screenshot.

IMPORTANT: UPDATE FIRMWAREAfter setting up the router one of the most important steps you should complete is to update the firmware. This is an easy process and important. Updated firmware contains security and bug fixes.

As an added layer of security this router can with VPN services like NordVPN and others

The scheduled tasks tab allows you to schedule the front LED light, schedule a regular rebook and schedule availability of your WiFi network.

The overview page gives some good information about usage and uptime

Speedtest #1

I think speed tests are to be taken with a grain of salt. Point in time measurements are dependent on a lot of things. Overall trends are however important. This is a speed test from a PC connected directly to my everyday wireless network

Here’s a speed test taken conducted on the same pc this time connected to the GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX).

Using the GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX) onboard Royal Caribbean’s Odyssey of the Seas

Here’s the box on the desk in our stateroom

This is a travel router, so it makes sense that they include multiple international adapter options. This is the type c adapter. Using this adapter means I don’t use a precious 110/3 prong adapter. Related: Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise. Power for this router is really flexible. If you take a look at the power supply specs you’ll see this is a dual voltage device. It accepts 100 to 240v power. That means it can work with 110 volt North American power and 220v to 240v power supplied worldwide (and on many cruise ships). You can also power it with any compatible USB charger or, power it directly from a laptop or pc via a USB cable.

Here it is plugged in and ready to go

As you can see my laptop is currently connected to the ship’s WiFi. Named WiFi-Guest-Odyssey. I’m going to disconnect from that and connect to the GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX) network.

Flipping the router over to get the password

Connected to the GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX) network

Logging in to the admin page so I can connect to the ship’s “captive” Wi-Fi network.

Of course it doesn’t have an internet connection because my home WiFi is a little too far away at the moment 🙂

Clicking on the “switch network” button in the “repeater” section of the page allows me to select a new network.

I chose WiFi-Guest-Odyssey to connect the GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX) to the ship’s Wi-Fi.

Connecting to the network

Here’s the magic… this page popped up right away after connecting the GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX) to ship’s WiFi.

The problem with traditional Wi-Fi routers is that they don’t know how to handle “captive networks”. Captive networks are networks that require you to log in before you can access the internet. Many publicly available WiFi networks are considered captive networks. That includes most hotels and cruise ships.

Travel routers are (or at least should be) designed to handle captive networks. You basically log in to the router through a web browser and then log into the captive network using the router’s settings.

This is that mechanism in action

Logging in to my (previously purchased) Wi-Fi package

Whammo!  I’m connected to the internet via my GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX) that is using ships Wi-Fi.

Speedtest #2

This test is using my iPhone connected directly to ship’s WiFi

Connected to ship’s WiFi I got 9.27 megabits down and 3.80 megabits up. As you can see this ship uses SpaceX Starlink

This test is connected to the GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX) network (which is in turn connected to ship’s WiFi).

Connected to the GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX) network I got 9.82 megabits down and 3.79 megabits up.


This is a great travel router. It’s easy to use, compact and I’m happy with it’s performance and features. I’ve found this size on the Beryl AX router to be very manageable. If you want something more compact, consider the GL.iNet GL-MT300N-V2(Mango). That model is about the size of a deck of cards. I’ll be trying this with NordVPN soon, so keep an eye out for that update.

What are Other’s Saying?   Search this product’s Amazon reviews for “cruise” – may include reviews for other sizes or variations

GL.iNet GL-MT3000 (Beryl AX) Pocket-Sized Wi-Fi 6 Wireless Travel Gigabit Router | WiFi Router | OpenVPN, Wireguard, Connect to Public & Hotel Wi-Fi login Page – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

Related: Setting Up Your Own Wireless WiFi Hotspot on Your Next Cruise!

Setting Up Your Own Wireless WiFi Hotspot on Your Next Cruise!

Related: Using Your Cell Phone Onboard with WiFi Calling!

wifi calling and cruise shipsMy iPhone with Royal Caribbean Adventure of the Seas Royal Promenade int eh Background. See “VZW Wi-Fi”

Related: Use the 220 Outlet on Your Next Cruise

Will My Phone Work on a Cruise Ship?

All About Night Lights for Your Next Cruise!


This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Cruise Packing List!

All information provided is deemed accurate at time of publishing, but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. tag:berylreview tag:tpr

Hands on Review: Auvon Rechargeable Night Lights + The Problem with Cruise Ship Bathrooms at Night

A lot of cruise packing lists, blogs and videos recommend packing a night light for your next cruise vacation and for good reason cabins can get dark at night, especially interior cabins. A night light can help prevent you from bumping into things.

What about the lack of outlets?

One problem to consider is… Traditional night lights take up an outlet. Outlets can be a precious commodity in your cruise ship cabin with some cabins having as little as… 1 outlet. This has generally gotten better with newer ships, but can still be an issue. Even newer ships that have more cabin outlets, the outlets can be placed in such a way as to limit their usability. If two outlets are too close together… you can only use one.

Some options…

Omeet EU 2-pin Plug - Portable Plug-in 0.7W Travel LED Night Light with USB Wall Charger - 2 Pack of White Pictured: Omeet EU 2-pin Plug – Portable Plug-in 0.7W Travel LED Night Light with USB Wall Charger – 2 Pack of White

  • 220v night light. These utilize an often ignored and unused 220v outlet that is present in many cabins.
  • USB night lights – These plug into a USB port. That means no outlet taken up. They could go on a laptop, USB wall charger or power bank.
  • Rechargeable night light. Since they’re rechargeable they don’t take up an outlet after they’ve been charged.

Rechargeable night lights are particularly helpful when it comes to cabin bathrooms. Very often these have 0 usable outlets…

The problem with cruise ship bathrooms at night

A rechargeable night light is also great for one particular trouble spot in your cabin… your cabin bathroom. Some cabin bathrooms are completely dark. Like… completely dark. Also a lot of times the light switch is on on the outside of the bathroom. To avoid being trapped in a small dark box you need to turn on the light before entering and potentially disturb your cabin mate. Also that much light can have a tendency to wake a person up. Okay, so… plug in a night light? Think again, most cabin bathrooms don’t have an outlet. 

An illustration of the dark cruise ship cabin bathroom

This is a video of me going from my bed into the bathroom with no lights on. There’s not much to the video, except for sound as it’s completely black because the room is so dark. The video was taken on Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas in a Jr Suite.

A picture to illustrate. This is the bathroom on Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas with no lights on.

This is the door to the bathroom. As you can see, the light switch is on the outside of the door. That’s the case with most/all cruise ship cabins we’ve been in. So, let’s say you get up in the middle of the night and stumble your way over to this bathroom door. In order to have any amount of light in the bathroom you need to turn on the switch before entering. That means you’ve flooded your cabin with light and potentially woken someone up. Beyond that, when you get in the bathroom you’ll be in a completely lit room and that can make it more difficult to fall back asleep.

This is a video of me going from my bed into the bathroom with this rechargeable night light on. As you can see… this is a MUCH better experience. The video was taken on Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas in a Jr Suite.

A photo with the night light on. This is a much better experience all around. No fumbling for the switch, no flooding the cabin with light. Just a small amount of always on light .

Hands on Review Auvon Rechargeable Night Lights

Front of the box

Check Current Price, Availability and Specs:

AUVON Rechargeable Battery Night Light, Mini Motion Sensor Night Light, Warm White LED Stick-On Closet Light with Dusk to Dawn Sensor, Adjustable Brightness for Wall, Stairs, Hallway, Cabinet (2 Pack) – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Back of the box

It came with a manual and charging cable. I did not receiving a charging box. This can be used with any standard USB charging box.

Auvon USB rechargeable night light

A look at the back. These are magnetic. They also come with an installable base so they can be mounted on non magnetic surfaces. For cruise ship cabins, walls are generally made of metal, so no base is needed.

A look at the controls. The switch on the left let’s you choose between auto, on and off. The button on the right changes the light’s brightness. For the bathroom I set it to on and low light level. Mine easily lasted a week on one charge, leaving it on every night.

Charging the night light

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Turned on

All cruise ship cabin walls are generally made of metal. Here’s the Auvon rechargeable night light above the bathroom light switch on Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas

Installed on the bathroom door frame on Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas

Sitting below the sink on Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas


These are a must-pack item when we travel, especially when we cruise. They are small, have a long battery life and are easy to charge. For cruises in particular these are an easy solution to two problems. First, outlets are generally in short supply. These don’t need an outlet. Second, some cruise ship cabins can be a little hazardous at night. Having these to add a little bit of light to dark spots is a huge help. Especially when it comes to the bathroom.

Check Current Price, Availability and Specs:

AUVON Rechargeable Battery Night Light, Mini Motion Sensor Night Light, Warm White LED Stick-On Closet Light with Dusk to Dawn Sensor, Adjustable Brightness for Wall, Stairs, Hallway, Cabinet (2 Pack) – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

What Are Other’s Saying?

Search this product’s Amazon reviews for “cruise” – may include reviews for other sizes or variations


All About Night Lights for Your Next Cruise!

Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

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Make sure the components you use are compatible and rated for your intended application.  Contact manufacturer with questions about suitability or a specific application.  Always read and follow manufacturer directions. review:auvonnightlight tag:tpr

Recommendation: Get Luggage Tags for Your Next Cruise (smoother embarkation, less chance of delayed luggage!)

Generally speaking when you receive your cruise documents you’ll get printable luggage tags that need to be affixed when you drop your luggage off at the cruise terminal. These tell the cruise line staff where to deliver your luggage on the ship and are different from standard bag tags that you would use for flying.

What you’re supposed to do is fold the paper in a certain way and then staple or fold them.

That means you have to pack… tape or a stapler. AND… mess around with taping or stapling when you just want to get to your cruise.

Beyond that, I don’t think this is a very stable way of securing these tags and I’m guessing they fall off on a regular basis. Ever met someone who got their luggage delivered three days into the cruise?

A more secure option that makes embarkation day easier

I highly recommend cruise luggage tag holders. These are sturdier and more secure than tape or staples. They also keep your tags dry (and readable) in the event of rain.

Because your tags are much more likely to stay on, you’re less likely to have delayed luggage on the ship.

Size of these varies based on cruise line. Look for one that’s compatible with your cruise line.

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For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

How I use cruise luggage tags

Before printing the tags (on a color printer if available) I edit the PDF file I receive from the cruise line using a PDF editor and add my name in the guest name area. Of course, you can just write this on the tag, but it makes the end result a lot neater, because of my poor handwriting 🙂

I quickly ignore any directions that say “fold do not cut” 🙂 and trim the paper so that just the tag portion is left. You could certainly fold like the directions suggest, but it’s not really necessary since the tag holder protects the tag. Trimming also makes it easier to slip the paper into the tag holder.

I print and assemble several bag tags before leaving on the cruise

Cruise luggage tags on my Travelpro Maxlite 5 on embarkation day before a cruise!

If you’re flying to your embarkation port I don’t recommend putting cruise tags on your luggage until after your flight. That’s especially true if you’re taping and stapling vs using luggage tags. Luggage tag holders would probably make the flight okay, but, to me, there’s no sense subjecting these to the wear and tear of airline luggage handling.

Day of embarkation or the night before I pull the tags out and place on all bags that we’ll check with porters at the cruise line terminal.

What happens if I don’t have luggage tags when I check bags in at the cruise terminal?

Typically you can ask a porter for help. They have tags that they can manually write out. This is a nice backup, but… pre-printed luggage tags in tag holders are the way to go.

When will I receive luggage tags for Guarantee Cabins

Because guarantee cabins aren’t assigned at the time of booking you may not receive tags with your cruise documents.

My recommendation is to check for cabin assignment a day or two before leaving on your cruise. If your cabin has been assigned, contact your cruise line and ask them to re-issue your cruise documents so you can print out your actual tags.

It seems like most guarantee cabins are assigned within a few days of the cruise, so most of the time you should be able to get updated luggage tags. But, sometimes these are assigned at the very last minute. In that case your only option is to get tags from porters at check in.

Related: Customized Luggage Tags (different from cruise luggage tags)!

Personalized Metal Luggage Tags with Stainless Steel Wire Loops Pack of 4

Personalized Metal Luggage Tags with Stainless Steel Wire Loops

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • Personalized Luggage Tags by PlinChiako: Let us customize your luggage tag with your details and worry no more that your luggage will get lost. Our luggage tags are LASER-ENGRAVED that never fades.
  • Customized Luggage Tags for Suitcases: These luggage tags are made of high-end Anodized Aluminum (3.5 x 2 inches), thick, durable, rust-proof, and reusable multiple times.
  • Luggage Tag Engraved: We utilize laser engraving to ensure that our luggage tags are non-fade and offer them with Stainless Steel loops that keep them firmly attached to your luggage.
  • Cute Luggage Tag: Our luggage tags are available in different designs, in 6 modern colors, and come with stainless steel wire loop. Choose the style you prefer, enter your information, and let us personalize your luggage tag.
  • We are proud to be a Canadian family-owned and operated business.


personalized luggage tags

When it came time to replace luggage tags I decided to look for personalized options and landed on these. I’m very happy with them. Since they’re metal they’re heavy duty compared to all the other luggage tags I’ve used. They also come with beefy stainless steel loops to affix them on your luggage. Beyond choosing the color of the tags themselves you can choose the color of the wire loops and you can have them print your name on both sides of the tag.

I went with a 4 pack of blue for easy visibility and had them print my info on both sides. I did not put my address, because… I may move before I have to replace these. Instead I opted for last name, email and phone number.

Personalized Metal Luggage Tags with Stainless Steel Wire Loops Pack of 4 – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

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What size luggage should I take on my cruise?

Price, promotions and availability can change quickly. Check the product page for current price, description and availability. top:lts tag:tpr

Royal Caribbean Perfect Day at CocoCay Phone Wallpaper

ThatCruiseLife on Etsy has a beautiful phone lock screen and wallpaper that shows Royal Caribbean’s Perfect Day in the background on a beautiful day. You can get a mini cruise fix every time you look at your phone. Note that this is a digital download and does not include the pictured phone or case.

Limited Time Deal: For a limited time coupon code THATCRUISE life gets you half off making this just 99 cents. You’ll receive an instant download right after purchase.

Royal Caribbean Perfect Day at CocoCay Phone Wallpaper – remember promo code THATCRUISELIFE to get the deal

Related: Royal Caribbean Luggage Tags

Cruise Luggage Tags for Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Essentials in 2023-2024

I highly recommend cruise luggage tag holders. These are sturdier and more secure than tape or staples. Having these also means you don’t need to carry along… tape or staples. These also keep your tags dry (and readable) in the event of rain. Because your tags are more likely to stay on, you’re less likely to have delayed luggage on the ship. Size of these varies based on cruise line. Look for one that’s compatible with your cruise line tags.

Cruise Luggage Tags for Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Essentials in 2023-2024 – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

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Hands on Review: TESSAN International Power Plug with USB… Use the 220 Outlet on Your Next Cruise!

Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

All About Night Lights for Your Next Cruise!

Make sure the components you use are compatible and rated for your intended application.  Contact manufacturer with questions about suitability or a specific application.  Always read and follow manufacturer directions. tag:pdwallpaper tag:tpr

Hands on Review: TESSAN International Power Plug with USB… Use the 220 Outlet on Your Next Cruise!

Many cruise cabins have a common problem… lack of outlets. This has generally gotten better with newer ships, but can still be an issue. Even newer ships that have more cabin outlets, the outlets can be placed in such a way as to limit their usability. If two outlets are too close together… you can only use one.

To accommodate European travelers cruise lines will often include one or more 220 volt outlets. If you’re used to using three prong 120 volt electronics this outlet will most likely go unused.

One way to stretch out the outlets on your next cruise is to… use the 220 volt outlet.

This is a hands on look at the Tessan Type C Outlet Adapter with USB Ports

This adapter will allow you to make use of a European Type C outlet on your next cruise! Note that this is not a voltage converter. Many electronics are designed to operate in the 220 volt range.

Check Current Price & Availability:

A look at the box. As the box indicates this is a Type C Adapter. This is the outlet style that is in most cruise ship cabins.

Out of the box

Mine came with a sticker over the outlet with some important information…. “This adapter does not convert voltage. AC devices must support dual voltage 100-250V. Check from your device surface or label, especially hair dryer, curling iron, CPAP machine.”

Voltage adapters are generally compact and reasonably priced. Adapters only adapt the plug. They do not convert 220v to 120v. Voltage converters actually step down voltage from 220v to 120v. Those are generally bulkier and more expensive.

A 120v device (only) device will not work on a 220v outlet with an adapter, but… many of your devices may actually be rated for both 120v and 220v.


Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

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A look at the front of the adapter. It sports a three prong North American style outlet and two USB ports. When it comes to USB devices this adapter steps down and converts power and should work with most USB devices.

For size reference the single outlet version next to a bottle of Sun Bum sunscreen (my standard size reference item on Cruise Packing List)

For size reference the double outlet version next to a bottle of Sun Bum sunscreen (my standard size reference item on Cruise Packing List)

This is the adapter on Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas. Adventure only offers two x 120 volt outlets and 0 USB ports. The 220 outlet is to the right right side of the desk in our Jr Suite Stateroom.

The type C Adapter fits perfectly in the outlet

Close up

This is my 4 in 1 cable plugged into the adapter. This cable has been very helpful since I upgraded to iPhone 15 with USB C charging port. Since some of my devices still use Lightning style ports, this cable allows me to change all of my iOS devices (and more) with a single cable. It goes from USB A or USB C to Lightning or USB C. Whammo!  This is my smaller cable that I essentially keep as a backup. I also have a 3 foot cable and a 5 foot cable.

With my laptop charger, iPhone and iPad plugged in

How can you tell if your device will work with an adapter? Many devices are actually setup to use either voltage. As an example take a look at this laptop power charger. It’s designed to accept 100 volts up to 240 volts.

Side view

The Tessan Adapter installed on Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas

The Tessan Adapter installed on Royal Caribbean’s Odyssey of the Seas

Tessan also makes a double outlet adapter. Here’s that installed on Royal Caribbean’s Odyssey of the Seas

Will this be banned on Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises?

Royal announced that multi-plug adapters are banned

My current understanding of that rule is that multi-USB charging blocks are allowed. But anything that has an AC outlet on it must have only an AC outlet and nothing else.

Even thought you’ve seen shots of of both of these adapters on board Royal ships, sadly my interpretation is that these will not be allowed on Royal and Celebrity.


This is a relatively cheap upgrade that makes cabin life easier. It has become a must-pack item for all our cruises. Utilizing the European style outlet seems like magic. Just make sure that your devices support dual voltage which is an easy thing to do.

Check Current Price & Availability:

What Are Other’s Saying?

Search this product’s Amazon reviews for “cruise” – may include reviews for other sizes or variations

More Photos

For lots more about what you should pack for your next cruise check out our complete packing list.

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Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

All About Night Lights for Your Next Cruise!

Make sure the components you use are compatible and rated for your intended application.  Contact manufacturer with questions about suitability or a specific application.  Always read and follow manufacturer directions. review:tessan220 tag:tpr

Cruise Ship Power Solutions – Making Use of the 220 Volt Cabin Outlet On Your Next Cruise

Pictured: European Travel Plug Adapter, TESSAN International Power Plug with 2 USB, Type C Outlet Adaptor Charger for US to Most of Europe EU Iceland Spain Italy France Germany – See: Hands on Review: TESSAN International Power Plug with USB

Lack of power solutions in cruise ship cabins

Many cruise cabins have a common problem… lack of outlets. This has generally gotten better with newer ships, but can still be an issue. Even newer ships that have more cabin outlets, the outlets can be placed in such a way as to limit their usability. If two outlets are too close together… you can only use one.

To accommodate European travelers cruise lines will often include one or more 220 volt outlets. If you’re used to using three prong 120 volt electronics this outlet will most likely go unused.

One way to stretch out the outlets on your next cruise is to… use the 220 volt outlet.

What style is the 220 volt outlet on cruise ships?

European Type C seems to be the standard style on cruise ships. This may vary, but it seems to be fairly standard.

Voltage Adapters vs Voltage Converters

Voltage adapters are generally compact and reasonably priced. Adapters only adapt the plug. They do not convert 220v to 120v. Voltage converters actually step down voltage from 220v to 120v. Those are generally bulkier and more expensive.

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Will my 120v devices work with an adapter?

A 120v device (only) device will not work on a 220v outlet with an adapter, but… many of your devices may actually be rated for both 120v and 220v…

Dual Voltage and World Wide Voltage

Many devices are actually setup to use either voltage. As an example take a look at this laptop power charger. It’s designed to accept 100 volts up to 240 volts.

Another example, as of this writing… “Apple USB power adapters are designed for use with power sources rated to provide 100V AC to 240V AC at 50Hz to 60Hz.” via About Apple USB Power Adapters

Another example Anker’s model A9123 which I own and use on cruises. It is designed to accept 100 volts up to 240 volts.

Many three prong devices are designed to work at a range of voltages including 220v. Those devices will work with an outlet adapter. As three prong cord users we just don’t think about it much. To see if your device is compatible with 220v check the label, product specifications or ask the manufacturer.

What about USB?

220v adapters that have USB ports should step down power to provide USB range DC power.

Example – This USB charger accepts 100-240V AC input and outputs DC 5V

Some Adapters and Devices to Consider:

Related… Hands on Review: TESSAN International Power Plug with USB

Product specifications can change. Double check your product before use.

For lots more about cruise packing including some solutions for the outlet problem check out our complete packing list.

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All About Night Lights for Your Next Cruise!

Make sure the components you use are compatible and rated for your intended application.  Contact manufacturer with questions about suitability or a specific application.  Always read and follow manufacturer directions. top:220 tag:tpr